my source data ist like this, the problem is, when i use JSON filter, it does not do anything helpfull, cause the data is Multiline JSON strings with spaces, so even grock does not help me in this case, here some of my Source Data:
"filter_level" => "low",
"retweeted" => false,
"source" => "<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client",
"possibly_sensitive" => false,
"in_reply_to_user_id_str" => nil,
"place" => nil,
"id" => 1009785371482361856,
"@version" => "1",
"token" => "",
"@timestamp" => 2018-06-21T13:09:28.000Z,
"in_reply_to_screen_name" => nil,
"created_at" => "Thu Jun 21 13:09:28 +0000 2018",
"coordinates" => nil,
"contributors" => nil,
"in_reply_to_user_id" => nil,
"id_str" => "1009785371482361856",
"retweet_count" => 0,
"reply_count" => 0,
"favorite_count" => 0,
"favorited" => false,
"is_quote_status" => false,
"in_reply_to_status_id_str" => nil,
"quote_count" => 0,
"truncated" => false,
"text" => "elasticsearch is all fun and games until None=null!="" and ["field"] != "field".\n\nSince 2015-07-21.",
"timestamp_ms" => "1529586568123",
"in_reply_to_status_id" => nil,
"entities" => {
"hashtags" => [],
"symbols" => [],
"user_mentions" => [],
"urls" => [
[0] {
"indices" => [
[0] 81,
[1] 104
"display_url" => "",
"expanded_url" => "",
"url" => ""
"lang" => "en",
"geo" => nil,
"user" => {
"friends_count" => 640,
"default_profile" => false,
"profile_sidebar_fill_color" => "000000",
"profile_background_image_url_https" => "",
"id" => 748900936479891456,
"listed_count" => 22,
"contributors_enabled" => false,
"profile_use_background_image" => false,
"profile_image_url" => "",
"profile_image_url_https" => "",
"protected" => false,
"followers_count" => 520,
"created_at" => "Fri Jul 01 15:27:51 +0000 2016",
"url" => "",
"id_str" => "748900936479891456",
"verified" => false,
"utc_offset" => nil,
"profile_banner_url" => "",
"default_profile_image" => false,
"notifications" => nil,
"follow_request_sent" => nil,
"translator_type" => "none",
"profile_background_image_url" => "",
"time_zone" => nil,
"description" => "120% legitimate pentest. not purple team nor research lead. my timeline is half memes half UUIDs half frenchness half halves.",
"is_translator" => false,
"location" => "wmic process get name /format:""",
"profile_link_color" => "000000",
"profile_sidebar_border_color" => "000000",
"following" => nil,
"profile_background_color" => "000000",
"profile_background_tile" => false,
"favourites_count" => 5649,
"screen_name" => "582a1cb9",
"profile_text_color" => "000000",
"lang" => "en",
"geo_enabled" => false,
"statuses_count" => 1791
how can i get specific field from this Multiline JSON Data?
thank you in advance.