How to fingerprint with a removed field?

Hello friends, I want to put a field in a @metadata variable and use this field for fingerprinting later in logstash conf file. Is it possible for me to do this?Does anyone have an idea?
I made some attempts but no results. :

        autodetect_column_names => "true"
        separator => ","
        skip_header => "true"
        columns => ["name","surname","age","email","phone"]
    mutate { 
          add_field => ["[@metadata][no_show]" => "%{[fields][name]}"]
          remove_field =>["name"]
    fingerprint {
      method => "SHA1"
      source => [%{[@metadata][no_show]}]
      target => "fingerprint"

That should be like this

        autodetect_column_names => "true"
        separator => ","
        skip_header => "true"
        columns => ["name","surname","age","email","phone"]
    mutate { 
          add_field => ["[@metadata][no_show]" => "%{[fields][name]}"]
          remove_field =>["name"]
    fingerprint {
      method => "SHA1"
      source => ["[@metadata][no_show]"]
      target => "fingerprint"

I tried that too but it doesn't work.

Actually what i need is how can i put a field inside a variable. It would be silly to do this with add_field. But I don't know any other method.

You can use ony fingerprint filter for this, as per my understanding, you want to anonymize some fields :
Example : Replace name with the anonymized value, is that right ?

 fingerprint {
      method => "SHA1"
      source => ["name"]
      target => "name"

I don't think we need to write a name in the target part. Just in case, I tried that too, but it didn't work.

yes it's rigth. I want to put the name field in a variable and then delete it. I dont want the name to appear in the _source block, but I want to do the fingerprint process with the name field.

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