How to found problematic messages?

There are many warnings in my logstash logfile about messages with too many fields:

"reason"=>"Limit of total fields [1000] in index [logstash-type-YYYY.MM] has been exceeded"

How to see problematic messages? The only method I know about it's add "file" output filter to the Logstash config and look for a long messages. Running Logstash with 'debug' level seems me overkill.
I'm curious is there more elegant method exist.

Thank you,

This is ES complaining about the total number of fields in the index, so it's not necessarily a problem with any single message. If the problem is a single event with >1000 fields rather than, say, 100 events each having 10 unique fields you can use a ruby filter to count the number of fields in the event and e.g. tag the event so you have the opportunity to dump the event to another output.

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