I'm trying to collect data from a DB (Derby, MySQL, Oracle) and my Schema is like this:
the main table is "exchange" and I need to get data from all other tables.
I'm trying to use logstash-input-jdbc, but with this input I can only configure one query and because the relations between the tables are 1->N, I can't collect all the data I need.
My goal is in the final to get something like this:
ExchangeId => "",
Role => "",
EndPointService => "",
exchangeproperty => [
ExchangeId => "",
Name => "",
Value => "",
{ ... }, ...
normalizemessage => [ ..... ]
At first, I thought to build a new Filter Plugin. My idea was, configure the logstash-input-jdbc plugin to Select the main table, and then with my new Filter Plugin, make all other queries with the ExchangeId return from Input.
When I try to implment my ideia, I follow this tutorial, but when I try to "bundle install" I'm getting the following error:
There was a NoMethodError while loading logstash-filter-jdbc.gemspec:
undefined method `metadata=' for #<Gem::Specification name=logstash-filter-jdbc
version=0.0.1> from
`block in <main>'
I also try to build a new Input Plugin but I'm getting the same error.
So, what is the best way to accomplish my Goal? A new filter plugin, a new input plugin or other plugin that allready exists?