How to get N chars in a string field?

Hi all
I need get 4 chars in a field as es type.
My conf as follow:

filter {
    if [driveid] =~ "^CENNAVIVOMS" {
        drop { }
    } else {
        ruby {
            code => "
                        event['@metadata']['doc_type'] = event['rowkey'][0,8]
                        event['@metadata']['index_suffix'] = event['rowkey'][0,6]

output {
    elasticsearch {
        codec => "json"
        hosts => [""]
        index => "logstash-bmwrtti-%{[@metadata][index_suffix]}"
        document_id => "%{rowkey}"
        document_type => "%{[@metadata][doc_type]}"
        workers => 6
        template_name => "template_bmwrtti"

I get a lot of same exceptions as below after startup,

Ruby exception occurred: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass {:level=>:error}

Is there another solution for the requirement ?

Online waiting~

Pls help ~

Ruby exception occurred: undefined method `' for nil:NilClass {:level=>:error}

This indicates that an event field didn't exist (or possibly that it existed but contained nil). Are you sure the rowkey field exists?

Yes , it exists.
BTW My logstash version is 2.0.0

When logstash startup, es will create a index which name is logstash-bmwrtti-%{[@metadata][index_suffix]} , and then create another index which name is logstash-bmwrtti-201701.

But at background, the exception is still thrown :frowning:

Yes , it exists.

That would be very surprising. Please provide an example input event that results in that exception.

input as follow:

input {
    kafka {
        add_field => {
            "datatype" => "request"
        zk_connect => ",,,,,"
        decoder_class => "cn.test.kafka.v08.RTTIDecoder"
        consumer_timeout_ms => 30000
        topic_id => "RP10000012F901"
        auto_offset_reset => "largest"

and the event json like this:

  "rowkey": "201701105TMR064JYDQEHFNZR20170110200700465",
  "driveid": "5TMR064JYDQEHFNZR",
  "uri": "/bmw/gateway/",
  "reqtime": 1484050020464,
  "restime": 1484050020489,
  "successflag": 1,
  "answertime": 25,
  "serverip": "",
  "adcode": 110105,
  "ccplonlat": "40.00930764712393,116.55823563225567",
  "deslonlat": "0.0,0.0",
  "cversion": "1511.05.64.00",
  "dversion": "14",
  "responsesize": 34076,
  "statuscode": 200,
  "@version": "1",
  "@timestamp": "2017-01-10T12:07:05.028Z",
  "project": "bmw_rtti",
  "datatype": "request"

When I use

stdout{ codec => rubydebug{ } }

as output, everything is fine.

How do you know that it's the exact same message? What if you wrap the field access in a conditional that you only attempt to access the field if it exists? Does that make a difference?

When I change the output as below, it's working

elasticsearch {
        codec => "json"
        hosts => [""]
        index => "logstash-bmwrtti-bbb"
        document_id => "%{rowkey}"
        document_type => "aaa"
        workers => 6
        template_name => "template_bmwrtti"

Does that means the field rowkey always exists ?

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