How to groking and nested output

I am having a log from a router and I have parsed with grok. But the thing I am struggling with is that I cannot create nested json object. For Example,

 proto TCP (ACK,FLAG)

To perse above log, I have applied following regex,


So results are following,

  "FLAG": [

But how can I achieve something like the following,

  "FLAG": [
      "TYPE: ["ACK", "FIN"]

Hi there!

What about doing it in two steps?

input { 
  generator { 
    count => 1 
    lines => [ 'proto TCP (ACK,FLAG)' ] 

filter {
  grok {
    match => { "message" => "proto\s+%{WORD:PROTOCOL}\s+\(%{DATA:to_split}\)" }

  ruby {
    code => "
      unless (flags = event.get('to_split')).nil?
        event.set('[FLAG][TYPE]', flags.delete(' ').split(','))

output {

Also, look at my grok filter and take a leaf out of it to improve yours if you want (that [[:blank:]] for example is both bulky and dangerous IMO)

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Use mutate+gsub to remove the parentheses, then use mutate+split to separate the flags, then use mutate+rename to change the name of the field.

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