How to index inconstant log delimted with tabs

Hi All,

Im doing POC in my company of ELK stack i dont have issue with parsing iis logs for example but one of our apps have really poor inconstant txt log without headers.


10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	InitFactory client info:exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc||Zabbix|
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	WebTixsExtendedTemplateTicketExportCodes: RT3D,CM
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	WebTixsExtendedTemplateWildcardCode: RT3D
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Creating InitData Semaphore Lock...
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Semaphore WSTixsInit Starting Lock wait One...SMWSTixsInit_/SalesSK_res
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Semaphore WSTixsInit Entered
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Semaphore WSTixsInit Releasing...1106-1011-15
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Semaphore WSTixsInit Released 1106-1011-15
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	InitData completed 1106-1011-15
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	InitFactory, TSEC:eCommerce, TSID:5,SeatLockInSeconds:900
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Init Transaction Provider...
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	Instancing WSTixsTransactionProvider(SoftwareType=50, Timeout=60000, Username=WebPay, Password=******)...
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	Success (Predefined TicketingServiceCode=eCommerce
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Done Init Transaction Provider...
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Assigned soapTixsUrl (Assigned to DataProvider):
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Assigned wsTixsUrl (Assigned to TransactionProvider):
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Assigned enterpriseWSTixsUrl (Assigned to EnterpriseProvider):
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Assigned enterpriseSiteId: 1049
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	Done Factory Constructor...
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	SetStartPageQueryString:key=SKPolusP_RES
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	SetAutoFillFields
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	InitBookingType:~/BookingType.aspx?dtticks=636414149771132321&key=SKPolusP_RES
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	SetCurrentOrderItem:
10:49:37	exwhh1s2ofneggxlpuvgg1fc	1106	1011	P: BookingType

I would normally split them by tab but as you see the file is inconstant. Could someone please advise ?

You should be able to use grok patterns for that.


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