How to keep EnterpriseSearch running all the time

I have an SSL connection to the server where EnterpriseSearch is set up, and start EnterpriseSearch from the command line with the following command.


After confirming that you can access EnterpriseSearch from your browser, close the terminal with the SSL connection.
How do I keep it running at all times?

Hi its-ogawa -

There are a number of ways to achieve this, and various options also depending on the operating system you are running.

The most simple way to run Enterprise Search as a service is to run it as a service using one of the prebuilt packages. There are packages available for Debian (Ubuntu) and RPM-based systems (RedHat, CentOs, etc.) available on the Enterprise Search download page. Once installed, you can manage the system to allow Enterprise Search to start up as any other system service.

If you do not want to (or cannot) use the prebuilt packages, then with your current installation, you can always run enterprise search as above in a screen session or using nohup to run the process in the background.

Hope this helps.

  • Mark

Thank you for the advice.
I see. I did get enterprisesearch as tar.gz.

Since I got elasticsearch with rpm, I would like to match enterprisesearch with it if possible.

However, I couldn't find the module for enterprisesearch when I got it with rpm.
Where is it extracted to?
If it is elasticsearch, it will be extracted under /etc/elasticsearch.

The installation procedure I followed is as follows

rpm -ivh enterprise-search-7.12.1

I'm sorry. It was just an oversight on my part.

It will probably be extracted to /usr/share/enterprise-search/ by default.

Am I correct in assuming that I can run it permanently by properly configuring config/enterprise-search.yml and doing systemctl start enterprise-search?

I will describe the execution procedure in my CentOS environment.

$ wget
$ rpm -ivh enterprise-search-7.12.1
$ cd /usr/share/enterprise-search/
$ vi config/enterprise-search.yml
... snip ...
$ systemctl start enterprise-search

This is correct if using the .rpm or .deb packages. Also, if you want to enable the Enterprise Search service to be started after a boot as well, you should run systemctl enable enterprise-search.

I'm sorry to ask this question again after closing it once.

I thought I was starting with the following command, but found that I could not connect.

# systemctl enable enterprise-search

The service appears to be up and running.

# systemctl status enterprise-search
● enterprise-search.service - Elastic Enterprise Search
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/enterprise-search.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since 木 2021-06-10 19:42:20 JST; 9s ago
 Main PID: 22237 (java)
   CGroup: /system.slice/enterprise-search.service
           mq22237 java -cp /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/lib/jruby-stdlib- -Djruby.cli.warning.level=NIL -Djava.awt.hea...

 6月 10 19:42:20 ITS-ELS-01 systemd[1]: Stopped Elastic Enterprise Search.
 6月 10 19:42:20 ITS-ELS-01 systemd[1]: Started Elastic Enterprise Search.
 6月 10 19:42:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[22237]: Found java executable in PATH
 6月 10 19:42:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[22237]: Java version detected: 1.8.0_282 (major version: 8)
 6月 10 19:42:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[22237]: Enterprise Search is starting...
 6月 10 19:42:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[22237]: Logs can be found in the location configured via the 'log_directory' setting (typically /var/log/enterprise-search)

However, since there are no services occupying the port, it is still assumed that it is not working.

# lsof -i:3002

Is there a way to deal with this?

The following command with the nohup command mentioned above did not start successfully.

$ ENT_SEARCH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=[REDACTED] nohup bin/enterprise-search

To be precise, nohup is working. The jobs command confirms that it is running in the background.
However, EnterpriseSearch is not running.

A guess would be

ENT_SEARCH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=[REDACTED] nohup bin/enterprise-search &

Unfortunately, that will soon stop.

# ENT_SEARCH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=[REDACTED] nohup /usr/share/enterprise-search/bin/enterprise-search &
[1] 16209
# nohup: ignore the input and append the output to `nohup.out'.

[1]+  STOP                  ENT_SEARCH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=[REDACTED] nohup /usr/share/enterprise-search/bin/enterprise-search
# jobs
[1]+  STOP                  ENT_SEARCH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=[REDACTED] nohup /usr/share/enterprise-search/bin/enterprise-search

I have installed the rpm as well as other Elastic products, but why can't EnterpriseSearch start properly with systemctl start enterprise-search?
To be precise, the status is healthy, but I cannot access it from a browser.
I have confirmed that I can start EnterpriseSearch with bin/enterprise-search.

I'm posting this to prevent any unexpected closings.
Can someone please answer my last question?
I will close when this is resolved.

When I invoke it with systemctl, I get the following message.

$ systemctl start enterprise-search

$ systemctl status enterprise-search
enterprise-search.service - Elastic Enterprise Search
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/enterprise-search.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue, 2021-06-29 18:49:20 JST; 4s ago
 Main PID: 1329 (java)
   CGroup: /system.slice/enterprise-search.service
           mq1329 java -cp /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/lib/jruby-stdlib- core- -Djruby.cli.warning.lev...

 Jun 29 18:49:20 ITS-ELS-01 systemd[1]: Started Elastic Enterprise Search.
 Jun 29 18:49:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[1329]: Found java executable in PATH
 Jun 29 18:49:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[1329]: Java version detected: 1.8.0_282 (major version: 8)
 Jun 29 18:49:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[1329]: Enterprise Search is starting...
 Jun 29 18:49:20 ITS-ELS-01 enterprise-search[1329]: Logs can be found in the location configured via the 'log_directory' setting (typically /var/log/ enterprise-search)

There doesn't seem to be any special problem, but when I access WorkplaceSearch (http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:3002) from my browser, I get the following message and cannot access it.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway).

I've also been looking at the logs under /var/log/enterprise-search/, but haven't found any clues to find the cause.

Do you have any better ideas?

Do you have any better ideas?

It seems that the Unit definition file corresponding to the EnterpriseSearch service had not been created.
(We hope that in the future this file will be created when EnterpriseSearch is installed.)

Just in case, here are the steps

  1. create the Unit file
$ cat /etc/systemd/system/enterprise-search.service
Description = enterprise search

ExecStart = /usr/share/enterprise-search/bin/enterprise-search
Restart = always
Type = simple

WantedBy =
  1. enable the service
$ systemctl enable enterprise-search

$ systemctl list-unit-files --type=service | grep enterprise-search
enable enterprise-search.service
  1. Start the service
$ systemctl start enterprise-search

I still couldn't get this to work, I have the same issue as described above. Trying to start enterprise-search as a service but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

systemctl cat enterprise-search.service prints the following:

Description=Elastic Enterprise Search


# Suppress logging to stdout by default, since this duplicates what's written to
# files in the configured logs directory (see 'log_directory' config setting),
# and also because by default systemd sends this output to /var/log/messages,
# which is not wanted in most scenarios

# Specifies the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this process

# Specifies the maximum number of processes

# Specifies the maximum size of virtual memory

# Specifies the maximum file size

# Wait for the process to stop before killing the whole group

# SIGTERM signal is used to stop the Java process

# Send the SIGTERM signal only to the JVM rather than its control group, but kill the whole group if needed

# When a JVM receives a SIGTERM signal it exits with code 143


For good measure as per the solution above, I also created this at /etc/systemd/system/enterprise-search.service

When I check the service status, I see:

● enterprise-search.service - Elastic Enterprise Search
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/enterprise-search.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2021-07-10 15:26:17 UTC; 3s ago
   Main PID: 9144 (java)
      Tasks: 19 (limit: 9536)
     Memory: 209.0M
     CGroup: /system.slice/enterprise-search.service
             └─9144 java -cp /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/lib/jruby-stdlib- -Djruby.cli.warning.level=NIL -Djava.a>

Jul 10 15:26:17 ip-172-31-55-51 systemd[1]: Started Elastic Enterprise Search.
Jul 10 15:26:17 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[9144]: Found java executable in PATH
Jul 10 15:26:18 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[9144]: Java version detected: 11.0.11 (major version: 11)
Jul 10 15:26:18 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[9144]: Enterprise Search is starting...
Jul 10 15:26:18 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[9144]: Logs can be found in the location configured via the 'log_directory' setting (typically /var/log/enterprise-search)

But when I check the app-server.log at the location above, there are no new entries. If I start enterprise-search from the command line as per the documentation, all is fine:

$ sudo /usr/share/enterprise-search/bin/enterprise-search

Found java executable in PATH
Java version detected: 11.0.11 (major version: 11)
Enterprise Search is starting...
*** [DEPRECATION WARNING] The setting '#/ent_search/auth/source' is deprecated and will be removed in version '8.0.0'. Please use the new auth config format ent_search.auth.<auth_name>.source.
[2021-07-10T15:29:21.246+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: Enterprise Search version=7.13.2, JRuby version=, Ruby version=2.5.7, Rails version=
[2021-07-10T15:29:21.276+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: Performing pre-flight checks for Elasticsearch running on
[2021-07-10T15:29:23.118+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Elasticsearch cluster is ready
[2021-07-10T15:29:23.124+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Successfully connected to Elasticsearch
[2021-07-10T15:29:23.218+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Successfully loaded Elasticsearch plugin information for all nodes
[2021-07-10T15:29:23.401+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Elasticsearch running with an active basic license
[2021-07-10T15:29:23.759+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] Elasticsearch API key service is enabled
[2021-07-10T15:29:23.760+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: [pre-flight] ILM is enabled in Elasticsearch
[2021-07-10T15:29:23.764+00:00][9828][2002][app-server][INFO]: Elasticsearch looks healthy and configured correctly to run Enterprise Search

I tried starting it with nohup, that didn't work either. So this means that I can have enterprise search running, as long as my session is open.

There has to be a way to start this as other companies are providing it as a service. Would be great to include the procedure in the documentation also but for now, could I get some help with getting this to work, please??


As you can see in your systemctl output, the service is running:

I'd recommend accessing it via the web UI or the API, making sure it works as you expect it and then troubleshoot the logging configuration separately. You should not use the logs as an indication of something working or not.

The process IMO should be the following:

  • Make sure it starts (you did it, it is running according to systemd)
  • Make sure it works (access the API/UI, log in, etc)
  • Make sure logs work as you expect them to (this could be done later)

For troubleshooting the logging situation, there is nothing special in the product:

  • It logs to console (which goes to systemd logs) and to a bunch of files that are located in a directory configured via the log_directory configuration setting. If the setting is missing, the default location is going to be /usr/share/enterprise-search/logs (if I remember correctly).

I hope this helps.

Just noticed that it says 3s ago. This may mean that it has just started and may work as expected, but it could also be an indication of a crash-looping service (when it starts, blows up with an error, starts again, etc). To troubleshoot this further I'd recommend checking service logs in systemd via journalctl -u enterprise-search.service. It should tell you what is happening with the service.

@oleksiy-elastic Coo, thanks for your help, I'll do that now. The service is definitely not running even though it is reported as such.

Ok, so that contains

Jul 10 14:41:34 ip-172-31-55-51 systemd[1]: Started Elastic Enterprise Search.
Jul 10 14:41:34 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]: Found java executable in PATH
Jul 10 14:41:34 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]: Java version detected: 11.0.11 (major version: 11)
Jul 10 14:41:34 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]: Enterprise Search is starting...
Jul 10 14:41:34 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]: Logs can be found in the location configured via the 'log_directory' setting (typically /var/log/enterprise-search)
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]: *** [DEPRECATION WARNING] The setting '#/ent_search/auth/source' is deprecated and will be removed in version '8.0.0'. Please use the new auth config >
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]: Unexpected exception while running Enterprise Search:
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]: Error: Permission denied - /var/log/enterprise-search/app-server.log at org/jruby/ `sysopen'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         org/jruby/ `initialize'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         org/jruby/ `open'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/logger.rb:746:in `open_logfile'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/logger.rb:738:in `set_dev'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/lib/rotation_aware_logger.class:31:in `set_dev'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/logger.rb:673:in `initialize'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/lib/rotation_aware_logger.class:70:in `initialize'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo.class:438:in `create_logger'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo.class:238:in `configure_primary_logger'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo.class:233:in `configure!'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/config/application.class:18:in `<main>'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         org/jruby/ `load'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in load'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/gems/gems/activesupport- `load_dependency'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/gems/gems/activesupport- `load'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/config/application.rb:1:in `<main>'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         org/jruby/ `require'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in require'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/gems/gems/activesupport- `load_dependency'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/gems/gems/activesupport- `require'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli/command.class:36:in `initialize'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli/command.class:10:in `run_and_exit'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli.class:143:in `run_supported_command'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli.class:125:in `run_command'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         /usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli.class:112:in `run!'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10661]:         bin/enterprise-search-internal:15:in `<main>'
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 systemd[1]: enterprise-search.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 10 14:41:49 ip-172-31-55-51 systemd[1]: enterprise-search.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 10 14:41:50 ip-172-31-55-51 systemd[1]: enterprise-search.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Jul 10 14:41:50 ip-172-31-55-51 systemd[1]: Stopped Elastic Enterprise Search.
Jul 10 14:41:50 ip-172-31-55-51 systemd[1]: Started Elastic Enterprise Search.
Jul 10 14:41:50 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]: Found java executable in PATH
Jul 10 14:41:50 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]: Java version detected: 11.0.11 (major version: 11)
Jul 10 14:41:50 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]: Enterprise Search is starting...
Jul 10 14:41:50 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]: Logs can be found in the location configured via the 'log_directory' setting (typically /var/log/enterprise-search)
Jul 10 14:42:06 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]: *** [DEPRECATION WARNING] The setting '#/ent_search/auth/source' is deprecated and will be removed in version '8.0.0'. Please use the new auth config >
Jul 10 14:42:06 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]: Unexpected exception while running Enterprise Search:
Jul 10 14:42:06 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]: Error: Permission denied - /var/log/enterprise-search/app-server.log at org/jruby/ `sysopen'
Jul 10 14:42:06 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[10735]:         org/jruby/ `initialize'

Need to start the process with a specific user I guess?

After changing the owner on a number of log files, the startup gets further but still fails:

Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]: Unexpected exception while running Enterprise Search:
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]: Error: Failed to bind to / at org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector.openAcceptChannel(org/eclipse/jetty/server/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractNetworkConnector.doStart(org/eclipse/jetty/server/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector.doStart(org/eclipse/jetty/server/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(org/eclipse/jetty/util/component/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.doStart(org/eclipse/jetty/server/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(org/eclipse/jetty/util/component/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(jdk/internal/reflect/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(jdk/internal/reflect/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java/lang/reflect/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod.invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling(org/jruby/javasupport/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod.invokeDirect(org/jruby/javasupport/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         RUBY.start(/usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/jetty_server.class:42)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         RUBY.start_application_server(/usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli/app_server_command.class:61)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         RUBY.run_and_exit(/usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli/command.class:10)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         RUBY.run_supported_command(/usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli.class:143)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         RUBY.run_command(/usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli.class:125)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:!(/usr/share/enterprise-search/lib/war/shared_togo/lib/shared_togo/cli.class:112)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         bin.enterprise_minus_search_minus_internal.invokeOther11:run!(bin/enterprise-search-internal:15)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         bin.enterprise_minus_search_minus_internal.<main>(bin/enterprise-search-internal:15)
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeWithArguments(java/lang/invoke/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.Ruby.runScript(org/jruby/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.Ruby.runNormally(org/jruby/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.Ruby.runNormally(org/jruby/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.Ruby.runFromMain(org/jruby/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.Main.doRunFromMain(org/jruby/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.Main.internalRun(org/jruby/
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:
Jul 11 17:00:21 ip-172-31-55-51 enterprise-search[284422]:         org.jruby.Main.main(org/jruby/

Please note, I have Enterprise search configured to run on port 9200 and Elasticsearch to run on 9201 due to firewall issues.