How to know and manage Filbeat writes on Storage Account when ingesting from Event Hubs


I know this topic seems quite similar to others already created in these forums, but those relate to Logstash instead of Filebeat, so I guess the resolution might be different in this case.

We have an ecosystem consisting on a Filebeat, which ingests events located in several EventHubs, then sends those events to a Logstash that finally ingests them into our Elastic cloud deployments. Both Filebeat and Logstash are installed in Windows-based machines.

That Filebeat, when reading from those EventHubs, needs to keep track of the events read, and so it registers the "track of events read" in a file located in a Storage Account.

As part of the cost calculation in the Storage Account component depends on the number of read and write operations performed over it, we need to get to know and, if possible, configure the number of those operations that Filebeat performs over said Storage Account.

Can we get to know the actual number of read and write operations that Filebeat performs over that component or even its frequency? One per event? One per batch of X events? ...?

Can we get to fine-tune those operations?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,
Roberto Rodríguez.

Anybody knows about this subject?

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