How to match a sentence that may contain delimiter

This is the log line

msg: Malware/Virus detected - Rtf.Exploit.CVE_2017_11882-6584355-0:Message denied for delivery:Announcement: Holiday Tomorrow

This is where i'm figuring out how to match the "Announcement: Holiday Tomorrow" or "Announcement Holiday Tomorrow" part of the log. It can have colon or not. At the moment i don't have the right pattern. I'm new to logstash.

grok {

    match {

        "msg" => "%{[^:]+$}:%{GREEDYDATA:headerSubject}"




If all messages have this exact same format, you could use "Announcement" as a separator of sorts:

grok { match { "msg" => "%{[^:]+$}:Announcement%{GREEDYDATA:headerSubjectTMP}" } }

And then you can mutate{} your headerSubjectTMP into the desired headerSubject and remove_field => ["headerSubjectTMP"].

Hope this helps.

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Actually it will not be the same format. but i got the idea from you. I modified my log to have a "Subject - " part instead. so logstash config can be simple

msg: Malware/Virus detected - Rtf.Exploit.CVE_2017_11882-6584355-0:Message denied for delivery: Subject - Announcement: Holiday Tomorrow

grok {

  match {

    "msg" => "Subject - %{GREEDYDATA:headerSubject}"



Thank you!

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