I am based on https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/devguide/current/beater-interface.html to build my own beat. Then I wrote my codes. Finally I go build main.go and Now i have ./main and *.yml , nothing else.
I want to make my own beat to build a rpm package.
so I used "rpm2cpio rpm_pack_name.rpm | cpio -div" to unzip filebeat.rpm, It gets the list of files as
'etc/' 'lib/' 'usr'
I will be based on the /etc, lib/, usr/ to add mybeat.service, mybeat.sh, init.d/mybeat
, if I just want the program to run in the background, Can i not write mybeat.sh ?
- What is the role of the import_dashboards and migrate_beat_config_1_x_to_5_0.py?In my beat, can i not write it?
- If you did it, please tell me what else should I pay attention to?