How to parse a few log files


I'm trying to parse a two log files. Unfortunately, at Logstash output I've seen that only first log file (events.log) has been parsed and output do not contain any data from the second log-file algotw.log.
Please advise how to correctly parse more than one log file.

My logstash.conf is below:

input {
file {
   path => ["C:\QUIK\Server\events.log"]
   type => "QUIKServ-log"
   codec => plain { charset => "UTF-8" }
   start_position => "beginning"
   sincedb_path => "C:\Progra~1\logstash\sincedb"
file {
  path => ["C:\QUIK\AlgoTW\Import\algotw.log"]
  type => "AlgoTW-log"
  codec => plain { charset => "CP1251" }
  start_position => "beginning"
  sincedb_path => "C:\Progra~1\logstash\sincedb"

filter {

if [type] == "QUIKServ-log"  and [message] !~ /Error|Exit|disconnect|reset by peer/ {
	drop { }
	mutate {
		add_field => { "[@metadata][zabbix_key_quikserv]" => "quiksrv.lst" }
if [type] == "AlgoTW-log"  and [message] !~ /Error|Critical/ {
drop { }
	mutate {
		add_field => { "[@metadata][zabbix_key_algotw]" => "algotw.lst" }
output {
if [type] == "QUIKServ-log" {
zabbix {
	zabbix_host => "host"
	zabbix_key => "[@metadata][zabbix_key_quikserv]"
	zabbix_server_host => ""
	zabbix_value => "message"
if [type] == "AlgoTW-log" {
zabbix {
	zabbix_host => "host"
	zabbix_key => "[@metadata][zabbix_key_algotw]"
	zabbix_server_host => ""
	zabbix_value => "message"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

A small part of Logstash output is below:

   "message" => "E: 10 Jun 15 (Wed) 07:05:17.837 (7912:6420:DWUSND): Running        C:\\QUIK\\Server\\quik.exe: Error: User 50 already work in the system.\r",
  "@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2015-06-10T07:51:09.382Z",
      "type" => "QUIKServ-log",
      "host" => "S-MSK11-TST01",
      "path" => "C:\\QUIK\\Server\\events.log"
   "message" => "E: 10 Jun 15 (Wed) 07:05:17.837 (7912:6420:DWUSND): Running C:\\QUIK\\Server\\quik.exe: Error: Error: 'You are already working in the syste m.' while registering new user id 50\r",
  "@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2015-06-10T07:51:09.382Z",
      "type" => "QUIKServ-log",
      "host" => "S-MSK11-TST01",
      "path" => "C:\\QUIK\\Server\\events.log"

My Logstash version is 1.5.0

Are new log entries being added to algotw.log? Keep in mind that Logstash only cares about start_position => beginning for previously unseen files, and while you were testing it's totally possible that Logstash "saw" algotw.log.

Thank you for clarifying! You are right, Logstash already "saw" algotw.log.
In addition, I've added additional log files to my configuration and everything works correctly.