I was trying to parse my Neutron log through grok pattern, the last two fileds are two json string, here is the line.
2018-04-19T05:08:42.833+02:00 localhost neutron-api INFO [type:operate] [pid:2157] [MainThread] [accesslog.py:77 call] - - - encode-ZDk3ZDQ0ZmZiODA5MTNiMGMxMzg5OWFj [19/Apr/2018:03:08:42.737146][19/Apr/2018:03:08:42.832755] POST https://network.az1.dc1.huawei.com/v2.0/ports HTTP/1.0 409 191 {"port":{"name":"VM001_1_NIC_1","admin_state_up":true,"network_id":"b358bc9f-6891-4f32-bbe7-4e8e474f95dc","fixed_ips":[{"subnet_id":"352faa22-e68c-4d4e-9399-a39310888918","ip_address":""}],"binding:vnic_type":"normal"}} {"NeutronError": {"message": "Unable to complete operation for network b358bc9f-6891-4f32-bbe7-4e8e474f95dc. The IP address is in use.", "type": "IpAddressInUse", "detail": ""}}
I am using the pattern like this
How to have two fields that contains the last two json string so that I can pass to json filter?
Really appreciate your help.