How to parse json messages in elasticstack

Hi Team,

I am receiving messages in JSON format and wanted to know how do I directly send those in elastic? Can I directly store them in elastic without sending them through logstash or has to route it through logstash?
Here are some

./eve.json:{"timestamp":"2018-03-22T14:49:40.014495+0530","flow_id":1201901318977695,"in_iface":"eno16777736","event_type":"alert","src_ip":"","src_port":65416,"dest_ip":"","dest_port":53,"proto":"UDP","alert":{"action":"allowed","gid":1,"signature_id":5700011,"rev":1,"signature":"CleanDNS_Phase1: Malicious domain 57g7spgrzlojinas.onion","category":"","severity":3},"app_proto":"dns","flow":{"pkts_toserver":1,"pkts_toclient":0,"bytes_toserver":82,"bytes_toclient":0,"start":"2018-03-22T14:49:40.014495+0530"}}



You can store them yourself if you like, just use the Elasticsearch's REST API. You can also use Logstash. Your call.

What I mean here is, do I need to write parsers to ingest json based data like any other text data? or can directly be ingested and elasticsearch will understand fields and mappings?

Elasticsearch is a JSON document database so it understands JSON perfectly well. No pre-parsing is necessary.

awesome!! that is what I wanted to know. Thanks!!

I believe sending logs through filebeat would be much easier since the file is growing consistently and I need a logs in real-time. what say?

Sure, although Logstash provides the same functionality.

Yeah thanks I was able to achieve that. Thanks for the support

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