How to push two inputs data as a single event(docment) in logstash.ym

How can i push two inputs data as a single event(docment) in logstash.yml
for example

        type => "dummylog"
        path => [/var/log/messages]
        type => "log"
        path => [/var/log/kernel.logs]


output {
   elasticsearch { host => localhost } stdout { } }

let /var/log/messages has 100 events and
let /var/log/kernel.logs has 100 events
and how can i push /var/log/messages first line and /var/log/kernel.logs first line as single event(document) into elasticsearch
will that do?
thank you

In the output you can specify two if statements and point them to the same index oneEvent.

For example:

input {
    file {
            type => "technical"
            path => "/home/technical/log"
    file {
            type => "business"
            path => "/home/business/log"
output {
    if [type] == "technical" {
            # output to elasticsearch index oneEvent
    if [type] == "business" {
            # output to elasticsearch index oneEvent

I used the same way but it didn't worked out. input is not accepting 2 file parameters.

This works for me. See my new example below:

input {

 file {
sincedb_path => "/tmp/sincedb"
    path => "/tmp/tech.log"
    type => "technical"  # a type to identify those logs (will need this later)
    start_position => "beginning"

    file {
 sincedb_path => "/tmp/sincedb2"
            type => "business"
            path => "/tmp/bus.log"
start_position => "beginning"

output {

            if [type] == "technical" {
            # output to elasticsearch index oneEvent
        elasticsearch {
                index => "hitwo"
                document_type =>"tech"
    if [type] == "business" {
            # output to elasticsearch index oneEvent
   elasticsearch {
                index => "hitwo"
                document_type =>"bus"

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