I am trying to read avro records from a kafka topic using logstash.
below is my config:
kafka {
bootstrap_servers =>"test123"
topics => ["abc123"]
group_id => "abc123-cg1"
auto_offset_reset => "latest"
codec => avro {
schema_uri => "/app/logstash-7.0.0/schemas/abc/abc_schema_writer.avsc"
jaas_path => "/app/logstash-7.0.0/zookeeper-jaas_abc.conf"
sasl_kerberos_service_name => "kafka"
kerberos_config => "/app/kn00/logstash-7.0.0/krb5.conf"
#sasl_mechanism => "PLAIN"
security_protocol => "SASL_SSL"
ssl_truststore_location => "/app/hdp_conf/kafka-security-abc.jks"
ssl_truststore_password => ""
output {
#stdout { codec => rubydebug }
stdout{ codec => json }
I am expecting json value as output , but it is giving empty output.
there is no issue with my avro schema since I am using the same from other application.
is there any issue with my code in logstash?I am new to avro formats
thanks for reading and helping.