How to reduce APM transactions and metrics?

It worked!

Makes sense. Is there any way to drop transaction samples that are set to false? When I set transaction.sample.count to 0, transaction.sample got set to false instead and I don't want to log these transactions anymore. I followed these steps (link) and added the lines in my apm-server.yml in Elastic Cloud Deployment configuration, but once I save, my cluster doesn't accept those changes.

I also figured out that it is a good idea to disable APM metrics for CPU and Memory since we don't monitor these metrics, but it didn't work, here is the documentation I used:

Here is is my APM configuration in Python code:

from elasticapm.contrib.flask import ElasticAPM

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['ELASTIC_APM'] = {
  'SECRET_TOKEN': '***',
  'SERVER_URL': '***',
  'DISABLE_METRICS': ["*.cpu.*", "system.memory.*", "system.process.memory.*"]

apm = ElasticAPM(app)

Do you know what might be the issue?