How to retain the time zone and nanoseconds in timestamp when migrating es through logstash

In the old cluster, the timestamp is "@timestamp": "2024-08-12T17:40:31.098422413+08:00". For stability reasons, I still want to keep it after migrating to the new cluster. I have tried many filters like behind, but none of them work. The new cluster has always been "@timestamp": "2024-08-12T09:40:31.098Z". I don't know if it's because there is no match or some other reason.How to retain the time zone and nanoseconds format

date {
    match => [ "@timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSSZ" ]
    timezone => "Asia/Shanghai"
    target => "@timestamp"

This was explained here.

Credits to Badger

Here is a sample:

input {
 generator { 
        # message =>   [ "2024-08-12T09:40:31.098Z" ]
        message =>   [ "2024-08-12T17:40:31.098422413+08:00" ]
        count => 1
output {
 stdout {codec => rubydebug}
filter {

date {
    match => [ "message",  "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSSZ"] # "ISO8601"
    timezone => "Asia/Shanghai"
    target => "@timestamp"
  ruby {
    code => "event.set('[longformat]','[message]')) )"
     mutate {  remove_field => ["@version", "event", "host"] }


       "message" => "2024-08-12T17:40:31.098422413+08:00",
    "@timestamp" => 2024-08-12T09:40:31.098Z,
    "longformat" => 2024-08-12T09:40:31.098422413Z