How to set custom fileds via CLI when ingesting with filebeat?

Hi there,

when running filebeat I'd like to set some custom fields and tags via a CLI parameter.
zcat mylog.gz | filebeat -e config yml -E "tags=['huhu']" -E "fields.app_id=['foo']"

The corresponing bits in config are


  • type: stdin
    enabled: true
    ignore_older: 0
    tags: ["dummy"]
    app_id: query_engine_12

However, in elastic just the tags are set, but the field is not. Why is that?

Related to that: the docs seem to indicate that I would need to write -E "filebeat.inputs.tags=['huhu']" instead? Why does it work as described above but not when using the full field reference?

Thanks in advance,

I'm unable to reproduce this issue with Filebeat I just built from source (from the master branch). What version of Filebeat are you running?

Hey Shaunak,

I'm using the binary release 6.6. What would certainly help is to see some more example that overwrite parameters defined in a filebeat yaml. For instance I'm not even sure if should use -E or -M.

Are you saying that it should work as described above? What would be the correct syntax to set custom field attributes for the filebeat log module via the CLI?

Thanks a lot for your support.


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