I am trying to configure elasticsearch hosts via environment variable to be used in elasticsearch-output plugin. I want to set them as array for loadbalancing in the multi node cluster without the need for an external loadbalancer.
Here is my try:
hosts => [${ES_HOSTS}]
ssl => "${USE_ES_SSL}"
cacert => "${ES_CA_CERT_PATH}"
ssl_certificate_verification => "${USE_ES_OUTPUT_SSL_CERT_VERIFICATION}"
# credentials are fetched from envrionment or logstash-keystore
user => "${LOGSTASH_USER}"
password => "${LOGSTASH_PASSWORD}"
index => "%{[@metadata][indexName]}"
I've tried to set ES_HOSTS the following ways:
export ES_HOSTS='"https://server1:9200"'
echo $ES_HOSTS
export ES_HOSTS='\"https://server1:9200\"'
echo $ES_HOSTS
export ES_HOSTS='\""https://server1:9200"\"'
echo $ES_HOSTS
export ES_HOSTS='""https://server1:9200""'
echo $ES_HOSTS
But I always get this error when I test the configuration with logtash's -t option:
[FATAL] 2020-01-13 11:39:25.118 [LogStash::Runner] runner - The given configuration is invalid. Reason: Expected one of #, ", ', -, [, {, ] at line 16, column 15 (byte 239) after output
hosts => [
[ERROR] 2020-01-13 11:39:25.126 [LogStash::Runner] Logstash - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Logstash stopped processing because of an error: (SystemExit) exit
If that one is working for one server, then I want to be able to set something like this:
And if there is an external loadbalancer available, then I can just set it to the loadbalancer's "LB_IP:LB:PORT". So I would be flexible and more independent from the runtime environment without needing to change the pipeline between different environments.
Thanks, Andreas