I want to set the id value for each document in the elastic search.
I am trying to set the account_no as an id. However, when I tried to do, the id is set as the string value "%{account_no}".
The statement document_id => "%{account_no}" is not fetching the value from the input filter.
input {
jdbc {
# path of the jdbc driver
jdbc_driver_library => "C:\Ashok\ojdbc8-full\ojdbc8.jar"
# The name of the driver class
jdbc_driver_class => "oracle.jdbc.Driver"
# Mysql jdbc connection string to company database
jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:oracle:thin:@new-connection:1234:dbsource"
# user credentials to connect to the DB
jdbc_user => "xyz"
jdbc_password => "xyz"
# when to periodically run statement, cron format (ex: every 30 minutes)
schedule => "30 * * * *"
# query parameters
parameters => { "account_no" => "213072717" }
# sql statement
statement => "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE account_no= :account_no
output {
elasticsearch {
index => "bank"
document_type => "account"
hosts => "localhost:9200"
document_id => "%{account_no}"