How to store XML input to multiples indices

I have a deeply nested XML with few entities that I would to store in XML. Single XML file should be store to multiple indices. But I don't know how to split it to store to multiple indices.

Output from this file, it will create 3 indices:

  • Individual
  • Address
  • Relationships

Example XML:

           <Line 1>abc</Line 1>
           <Line 2>def</Line 2>
          <Line 1>123</Line1>
          <Line 2>456</Line2>
          <Name>Richard Edward</Name>
          <Name>Richard Hugo</Name>

Sample config:

input {

file {
    path => ["/var/shared_folder/*.xml"]
    start_position => beginning
    tags => [ 'individual_xml' ]
    codec => multiline {
        pattern => "<Individual>"
        negate => "true"
        what => "previous"


filter {

if 'individual_xml' in [tags] {

    xml {
    source => "message"
    store_xml => "false"
    xpath => ["/Individual/Id/text()","id"]
    xpath => ["/Individual/Name/text()","name"]
    xpath => ["/Individual/Age/text()","age"]

    mutate {
        remove_field => [ "message", "xml", "xmldata", "host" ]

    mutate {
    convert => { "id" => "string" }
    convert => { "name" => "string" }
    convert => { "age" => "string" }


output {

if 'individual_xml' in [tags] {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
    manage_template => false
    index => "individual"


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