How to uninstall logstash service in windows?

I want to know how to uninstall Logstash in the windows server? someone please help me with the appropriate command.

Hello @jisha

if the logstash installation is done via nssm then,
Check if the Logstash setup is running as a service. (Go to run -- services.msc -- Look for service name "logstash" ). if found then stop the service and using nssm delete the service for the same. (applies only if you install the logstash using nssm).

if you can't find the logstash in service, then the logstash installation is manual.
Thus, check in environmental variables whether any logstash related variables have been set and unset for the same.
Delete the logstash folder where you downloaded as a final step

For More Information:

@sudhagar_ramesh thankyou it was really helpful.

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