How to use metadata id to condition check of Logstash output which use jdbc input?


I am using ELK GA 6.3.0. I have a logstash input like;

input {
	jdbc {
		id => "jdbc1"
		statement => "some sql statement"
		add_field => { "logtype" => "jdbc_log_1" }

and I have multiple jdbc inputs, from different tables. The content from tables will go to their corresponding ES indices. I want to condition check to publish to elasticsearch. What I am currently doing is;

	if[logtype] == "jdbc_log_1"{
		elasticsearch {
			index => "jdbc_log_1-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}"

This works fine. But I want to do this with input id metadata field jdbc1 and avoid if[logtype] == "jdbc_log_1"{ . Is there any way to do this?


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