How to use processor in Filebeat hint-based auto-discover?

I'm having a log file from my cron-service with the format like this:




How can I parse those fields with dissect processor and convert the status_code at the end to an integer? I updated the annotation of the pod with the following command but it didn't work:

kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/enabled=true --overwrite

kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/processors.1.dissect.target_prefix='' --overwrite
kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/processors.1.dissect.tokenizer='%{time}|%{}|%{job.status_code}' --overwrite

kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/processors.2.convert.fields='{from: "job.status_code", type: "integer"}' --overwrite

kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/processors.3.timestamp.field='time' --overwrite
kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/processors.3.timestamp.layouts='2020-03-16T04:05:02.234Z' --overwrite
kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/processors.3.timestamp.test='2020-03-16T04:05:02+00:00' --overwrite

kubectl annotate pods <pod_name> co.elastic.logs/processors.4.drop_fields.fields='time' --overwrite

I really appreciate anyone who can help me out :slight_smile:

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