Dear All,
I used Otel for traces on my applications. My pipeline is app -> otel collector-> kafka -> process by pyspark -> ES index.
Now how do i visualize trace timeline. i have added my index to data view but still apm asking me to add data. I am not using elastic agents.
How do I make apm recognise my traces. below is an example of traces i am sending to index. Please help.
"_index": "apm-traces",
"_id": "1TKzo5UBhWrK4mnOWEn_",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"trace": {
"id": "d1f36cacca9467b3285abc23d5032157"
"transaction": {
"id": "5e1ccb323f19bf05",
"name": "GET /api/suggestions",
"type": "request"
"span": {
"id": "8db1805d84ecc4e3",
"parent": {
"id": "5e1ccb323f19bf05"
"name": "get_suggestions",
"type": "app",
"start": 1679035352819244,
"end": 1679035353407279,
"duration": 588034