Http_poller time out error

we are recieving the timeout error in http_poller by connecting it to guardium,

our database is guardium .
my http pollar settings as follow

input {
    http_poller {
        urls = > {
            "d1" {
                method => post
                url => "https://*:3/restAPI/*"
                headers => {
                body => {
            "d2" {
                method => post
                url => "https://*:/restAPI/*"
                headers => {
                body => {

            schedule => {cron => "*/1 * * * *"}
            ssl_verification_mode => none
            request_timeout => 360
            connect_timeout => 60
            socket_timeout => 240
            keepalive => false
            codec => "json"

and another question how the multiple requests works they get request sequentally one by one and wait for the first to complete, or they runs parallel , if it runs parallel then what if the first request fails will it not wait for the first request to complete and it send the second request , or it will run the second request.

thing is we can increase the schedule time as we have 15000+ logs in every minute so let me know what is the solution to fix this ?

logstash Logstash

If you look at the code, there is a single scheduler thread that runs the cron schedule.

When it runs (once a minute for your schedule) it spins off an async request for each URL. As far as I can see, that's it. If you have a 6-minute request timeout for two URLs then I think you could have 12 requests outstanding.

I wouldn't worry about throughput until you can get requests to process at all without timeouts.