Kibana version: 7.16.3
Elasticsearch version: 7.16.3
APM Server version: 7.16.3
APM Agent language and version: @elastic/apm-rum:5.12
Browser version: Chrome 110.0.5481.100
Is there anything special in your setup? no special setup conditions
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):
Hi all!
We are using the javascript rum agent for monitoring our web application and have noticed that the RUM agent does not record all https calls to the backend as transaction type http-request
Example: Calling a service via POST method.
Target url:
Status code: 200
This call is captured by the Rum Agent as a span in a transaction of the type route-change
It is expected that a transaction of the type http-request
will be created in addition, which unfortunately does not happen. For other http calls to the backend, however, the transaction of the type 'http-request' is created.
No errors in any log file. Can anybody explain the actual behaviour of the agent ?
Thanks in advance!