I am getting Malformed Escape Escape at Index error in logstash logs for http url. How to resolve it?

I am getting Malformed Escape Escape at Index error in logstash logs for http url. How to resolve it ?

Hello and welcome,

You need to share the logs you are getting, is not possible to know what may be the issue without the logs.

Here is one of the sample log from my application where i am getting Malformed escape error.

[ERROR] [logstash.filters.http ] [pipeline id] error during HTTP request { : url => "https:://IP:Port/_search?q=; : body=> nil, :client_error=>"Malformed escape pair at index 63 :

But this error is not continuous. I am getting it very intermittently but unble to find reason for the same. Please support this is my production issue.

This error is typically due to incorrect escaping within the URL. Clearly you have redacted the url in the error message so we cannot say what might be wrong with the 63rd character in it.

I will send the complete config and error logs once again.