I cannot see every column or see wrong output for the exisiting ones

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to import my csv file with logstash, however, the output is not seen as I expected.
Firstly, I cannot see every column in the output, then I cannot see the correct value for some existing columns in the output.

My config file is:

> input {
>         file {
>             path => "/home/burak/Downloads/QA2/*"
>             start_position => "beginning"
>             sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
>         }
>     }
>     filter {
>         csv {
>             separator => ","
>             columns => ["Epic","Total User Stories","Closed User Stories","Not Closed User Stories","User Stories with Test Case Creation in Progress","Total Test Cases Forecast","Total Created Test Cases","Total Executed","Pass","Fail","Blocked","NA"]
>         }
>     }
>     output {
>         elasticsearch {
>             hosts => "http://localhost:9200"
>             index => "qadata"
>         }
>         stdout {}
>     }

This is a simple output:

                                      "Total User Stories" => "83;318;231;194;33;4;0;87;87;54",
                                                    "path" => "/home/burak/Downloads/QA2/qadata.csv",
                                              "@timestamp" => 2020-04-29T08:51:11.946Z,
                         "User Stories Without Test Cases" => "97;1",
                                                    "Epic" => ";236;129;107;29;5;0;372",
        "User Stories with Test Case Creation in Progress" => "25;2020-04-17",
                                                    "host" => "burak-VirtualBox",
                                                 "message" => ";236;129;107;29;5;0;372,83;318;231;194;33;4;0;87;87;54,83;178,83;161;137;24;4;17;3;0,7;10,97;1,25;2020-04-17\r",
                                 "Not Closed User Stories" => "83;161;137;24;4;17;3;0",
                                     "Closed User Stories" => "83;178",
                      "User Stories with Test Cases Ready" => "7;10",
                                                "@version" => "1"

There are many fields that I did not show it here but basically it's like this.
I'm new in ELK I may do simple mistakes.

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
ElasticSearch: 7.6.2
Logstash: 7.6.2

What is your question?

Sorry, I should have been clear. My question is why I cannot see all fields in my .csv file when I used logstash to import it.

Your [message] has six commas in it and the csv filter parsed it into seven fields. I have no idea how you could expect anything more.

If you check here ;

>     filter {
>         csv {
>             separator => ","
>             columns => ["Epic","Total User Stories","Closed User Stories","Not Closed User Stories","User Stories with Test Case Creation in Progress","Total Test Cases Forecast","Total Created Test Cases","Total Executed","Pass","Fail","Blocked","NA"]
>         }
>     }

I have 12 columns but I can't see any field such as Pass, Fail etc. when I used logstash

As I said, your message field only has 6 commas in it, so you will only get 7 fields.

OK. So why do I have 6 commas in message?
Sorry, if this is a silly question, I'm quite new. From my searches, I found that I should use the above config to import my csv file. I would expect I should see whole 12 columns in the output as a field.

The csv filter will not create fields that do not exist in the file that you are processing.

I have these fields in the file that is the confusing part for me. I did not add anything that doesn't exist in the file I've been using.

does anyone can help me on this issue?

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