I do not see any information from java apm agent

APM Server version:

APM Agent language and version:
java 1.52.0



There are no transactions. you should still see the service listed in the UI and be able to see the metrics, but I think you are saying you don't see transactions. Either you are not executing any requests, or your requests do not exercise any of the tech that are automatically instrumented

Thank you.

Yes. We have GitHub - replay-framework/replay: Fork of the Play1 Framework

How can I start/finish transactions manually?

play is not a tech that is supported. You have a number of options to kick off transactions

  1. Use trace_methods to configure specific methods to start tracing
  2. Add the @CaptureTransaction or similar to your code to start tracing
  3. Add manual transactions into the code using the OpenTelemetry APIs
  4. Add manual transactions into the code using the agent APIs

Thank you again.
Now I have started transactions manually and I see only transaction and SQL queries as spans under transactions.
But I want to see all method calls as spans, to analyze where time is going. Should I also create those method spans manually? That is not the way I imagined APM.

APM instruments known commonly used tech, not everything in an app - instrumenting everything would cause unacceptable overhead, and is the domain of profiling. APM is not profiling. You want APM to magically know which methods to show and which to ignore (because there are a LOT of methods executing).

Fortunately for you, Elastic pioneered implementing exactly that magic. You want our inferred spans.