If condition in logstash filter - not working

input {
port => 5044


filter {
if [prospector.type] == "log" {


if [prospector.type] == "log" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "loglinux"

I am using this above filter, but it is not working.

My Filebeat version : 6.5
My Logstash version : 6.5.4

At least one thing you need to do is to separate the key levels with square brackets like this example from my Logstash config

  if [fields][index_type] == "postfix-maillog" {

So if [prospector.type] == "log" {
should be if [prospector][type] == "log" {

Ok Thanks. It works.

May i know, how to define multiple prospector type in filebeat configuration.

My Filebeat config.


  • type: log
    enabled: true
    • /var/log/auth.log

If i change the name of "type: log", it is throwing the error message. And unable to restart the filebeat service.

The documentation is quite good

prospector is deprecated. They are called input in later versions of Filebeat, just FYI.

What type are you trying to configure?

I am trying to configure like this in filebeat,


  • type: log_one
    enabled: true

    • /var/log/auth1.log
  • type: log_two
    enabled: true

    • /var/log/auth2.log

But it is not working.
Also need to know, how to configure "if-condition" for this in logstash.

Looks like type is not what you expect :slight_smile: Did you read the documentation link I posted?

What you need to do is something like

- type: log
    - /var/log/auth1.log
    log_type: auth1
  fields_under_root: true
- type: log
    - /var/log/auth2.log
    log_type: auth2
  fields_under_root: true

This will create field log_type for all records with value auth1for the first input and value auth2for the second input.

Ok Thanks a lot.

It works....

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