If conditions when dividing logs?

I separate the logs with this config in filebeat

- type: log
  enabled: true
    - D:\elastic_stack\LOGS\CMS_LOGS\*
        kafka_topic: "kafka-topic-cms-test1"
  tags: ["CMS"]
  multiline.type: pattern
  multiline.pattern: '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s{3}-\srequest\sin\sformatHexDump\sis\s\S{2}'
  multiline.negate: true
  multiline.match: after
  multiline.max_lines: 15000 

if I found 'FU' or 'FT' in this log I want to ignore this log and add the hole message of this log in the previous message here an example of my logs:

2022-01-13 17:16:05   - request in formatHexDump is => 
000: 12 15 46 77 77 55 | ak55s2 ....
000: 12 15 46 77 77 55 | ak55s2 ....
FO ... 
2022-01-13 17:16:10   - request in formatHexDump is => 
000: 44 66 99 11  77 55 | h44a5000 ....
000: 45 66 33 22 00 11  | adandakj ....
FT ....
2022-01-13 17:17:44   - request in formatHexDump is => 
000: 44 33 22 00 11 55 | jjdll1122 ....
000: 12 15 46 77 77 55 | h555666 ....
AO ... 

so in this example i would like to find only two logs not three the first contains the logs which contain FO and FT together in one message, and the second log contains AO
I don't know if it's possible maybe with filebeat or logstash or Elasticsearch between the _id of documents maybe.
I hope you understand me.

Any help would be sincerely appreciate!

I haven't tested directly in FB, maybe this


Thank you very much, that's exactly what I want @Rios just if you can tell me what exactly is the role or your meaning of ?: in the regular expression and thank you!

( ?: non-capture groups) - result without group
(FO|FT) ?- multi line which includes FO or FT, optionally
Check here


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Thanks @Rios but I'm sorry it still didn't work, it was my fault, I was testing with a wrong message :confused:

What is result? FO and FT as separate lines or FO and FT lines are missing?
Can you try will this extract only FO and FT messages?

here my example message :

2022-01-13 17:16:05   - request in formatHexDump is => 
000: 12 15 46 77 77 55 | ak55s2 ....
000: 12 15 46 77 77 55 | ak55s2 ....
FO ... 
2022-01-13 17:16:10   - request in formatHexDump is => 
000: 44 66 99 11  77 55 | h44a5000 ....
000: 45 66 33 22 00 11  | adandakj ....
FT ....
2022-01-13 17:17:44   - request in formatHexDump is => 
000: 44 33 22 00 11 55 | jjdll1122 ....
000: 12 15 46 77 77 55 | h555666 ....
AO ... 
2022-01-13 17:18:12   - request in formatHexDump is => 
000: 44 44 66 99 00 11 55 55 | h44a5000 ....
000: 45 66 33 22 00 11  | adandakj ....
FT ....

It always gives me 4 documents with this ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s{3 }-\srequest\sin\sformatHexDump\sis\s\S{2}.*(?:FO|FT)? and in this case I only want 2 documents, the first containing FO+FT and the second containing AO+ FT.
and I tried this expression ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s{3} -\srequest\sin\sformatHexDump\sis\s\S{2}.*(FO|FT) it gives me a document which contains the hole message :confused:

If you want like that, try to use

multiline.type: count
multiline.lines_count: 11


I can't fix the amount of line I need that's why. it's not 11

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