If statement is failing to match for certain values.. pls help

I have syslog network messages successfully parsed with logstash,
event 1 has [system][syslog][hostname]=
event 2 has [system][syslog][hostname]=

however the following statements fail to match for 10.111.x.x, and never uses the last else statement.
any ideas?

I'm trying to match as follows

   if   [system][syslog][hostname] =~ /10\.111\..*/  {
   mutate { 
                add_field    => { 
                          "[geoip][location][latitude]"      => "77.777777"
                          "[geoip][location][longitude]"      => "77.777777" 
   else if [system][syslog][hostname] =~ /10\.20\./ {
    mutate {
            add_field    => {
                    "[geoip][location][latitude]"      => "88.888888"
                    "[geoip][location][longitude]"      => "88.888888"
   else {
    mutate {
                add_field    => {
                          "[geoip][location][latitude]"      => "99.999999"
                          "[geoip][location][longitude]"      => "99.999999"

You are testing [system][syslog][hostname], not [syslog][system][hostname]

sorry, that was a typo .. I meant that the fields as matched by grok should be [system][syslog][hostname]
and discover console is showing this correctly

issue resolved:

I changed all my match statements to use .* in the match


"[system][syslog][hostname] =~ /10\.111\..*/"
"[system][syslog][hostname] =~ /10\.20\..*/"

all issues seemed to go away overnight... =) thx

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