If statement not working with gsub

Hello all,

i want to remove "ZC" in a field and converted in a negative float

 "account_value" => "767.19ZC",
 "@timestamp" => 2020-01-06T23:00:00.000Z

why this statement is not working?

      if "ZC" in "field" {
        mutate {
          gsub => [

without "if" statement works

    mutate {
      gsub => [


The if statement does not look for field string content but exact value,

for example you can use this if your field was array and ZC was one of the value of that array

array = [ 'ZC' , 'foo' , 'bar' ]

the IN statement implies to match the exact value you can use regular expressions with:
if "field" =~ "REGEXP"

Hello grumo35,

thank you but i've solved. The problem was syntax. Change "field" for [field], it works perfectly now.

      if "ZC" in [field] {
        mutate {
          gsub => [
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Well, I would say that is the most frequent case:
if [field] in ["apples","oranges","pineapples"] { # looks for exact match between the complete field and any of the array elements

but, checking carefully the documentation on conditionals: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/event-dependent-configuration.html#conditionals
It also allows looking for "string in field", equivalent to the regex example you posted.

if "apple" in [field] { # will match both "apples" and "pineapples"

I would add that, working with in conditionals, there is a bug that has to be taken into account: one-element array comparison doesn't work.

if [field] in ["apples"] { # won't match even if field = "apples"

Thanks for adding your working configuration :slight_smile:


wow didnt knew this could work like this, thanks

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