Importing csv with geo locations using logstash 5 / kibana 5


Can someone help me with the configuration of a logstash 5 conf file and/or kibana 5?
I'm running logstash, elasticsearch and kibana locally on a mac 10.10.x.
The topic is about the combination of loading csv files in combination with geo locations
(latitude, longitude).


  • import of a given csv file using logstash
  • the csv is structured lines/columns and includes latitude/longitude geo location
  • running the below pasted conf-file
  • exploring the geo-data in a kibana 5 tile-map


  • data are piping into elasticsearch and showing up in kibana
  • the lat/lon are shown as GeoHASH in the tile-map configuration section
    in the subsequent dropdown a geoip.longitude is appearing
  • once picking up the geoip kibana prompts "no results found"


  • could you please double-check my conf file example
  • do I need to re-config my logstash load file
  • do I need to configure/set in kibana to get my "location" work

Appreciate your help


input {
stdin {
type => "stdin-type"
file {
path => ["/Users/.../Test_020.csv"]
start_position => "beginning"

filter {
csv {
columns => ["field_A","field_B","field_C_date","field_D","latitude","longitude"]
separator => ","
date {
match => [ "field_C_date", "YYYY-MM-DD" ]

		mutate {
				convert => ["field_A", "string"]
				convert => ["field_B", "integer"]
				convert => ["field_D", "integer"]
		mutate {
				convert => {"latitude" => "float"}
				convert => {"longitude" => "float"}
				add_field => ["location", "%{latitude},%{longitude}"]
				convert => {"location" => "float"}


output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

It looks ok, do you have the right time range in KB?

Dear Mark,

Thanks for your reply. Could you please provide me with an hint regarding the time range?

Regards Marc

Top right -

Dear Mark (with "k"),

Thanks a million.

I'm afraid my data conversion is not very properly. I'm trying to figure out that particular item.

Never the less I came across another issue. As for configuring the *.config file I'm dealing with
an input csv of about 100 rows.

Now when scaling the file to the full size about 500.000 rows the following happens:

  • logstash is processing until "Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}"
    then nothing else happens
  • a few lines above logstash prompts " Starting pipeline {"id"=>"main", "pipeline.workers"=>8, "pipeline.batch.size"=>125, "pipeline.batch.delay"=>5, "pipeline.max_inflight"=>1000}"
  • if I exclude the latitude, longitude columns then the file is processed (or sometimes not)
    Never had that kind of experience with stack #4

Also matching data seems to be tricky. Just want to index the "voucher_date" (YYYY-MM-DD in the source). So far it doesn't work with
date {
match => [ "voucher_date", "YYYY MM dd" ]

Have you or anyone an idea how to design a *config unsing csv, geo(latitude, longitude) voucher_date string to date and having more than 100 rows in the source-file?

Greatly appreciate your contributions

Gruß Marc

Sounds like a sincedb issue more than anything.

Dear Mark,

Thanks for keeping up with the above. It took a little time to figure it out.
Finally I converted the *csv from UTF8 "Legacy Mac OS (CR)" into "Unix (LF)" it started working.

Thanks again and have a great one


Ohhh, that is odd.
Can you raise something against the GH repo for the plugin? We should really handle this for the user :slight_smile:

Dear Mark,

Yep, GH = GitHub, isn’t it? May need a little time, as I’m a bit busy at the moment.

Now I’m struggling again with the GeoData. They don’t appearing as geo_point/geohash in kibana.
Referring to the import issue I’m afraid I’m somehow lost. I want to review and adjust my complete
workflow end-2-end.
Is there a paper/blog/website available which provides an “ES 5 stack csv-geo” breakdown in principal
or from bird’s eye perspective? Based on an example or something like this? I’m looking for a kind
of an recipe or a handy checklist?

Appreciate your help


Yep! :slight_smile:

What do they show as?
Check indexname/_mapping to see what the field is defined as in ES.

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