Index document with double nested property using Logstash

I have my_index with a double nested property (nested of nested) and i'm looking for the right logshash configuration to correctly index documents with the following mappings:

"mappings": {
  "properties": {
    "id": {"type": "long"},
    "name": {"type": "text"},
    "age": {"type": "integer"},
    "children": {
      "type": "nested",
      "properties": {
        "id": {"type": "keyword"},
        "name": {"type": "text"},
        "age": {"type": "integer"},
        "grandchildren": {
          "type": "nested",
          "properties": {
            "id": {"type": "keyword"},
            "name": {"type": "text"},
            "age": {"type": "integer"}

Database structure:

id            |                 age                |                   name
1             |                 58                 |                   James
2             |                 62                 |                   Carl

id            |                 age                |                   name              |         parent_id
1             |                 39                 |                   David             |            1
2             |                 37                 |                   Emma              |            1
3             |                 41                 |                   Ned               |            2

id            |                 age                |                   name              |         child_id
1             |                 7                  |                   Matt              |            1
2             |                 3                  |                   Zoe               |            1
3             |                 1                  |                   Vittoria          |            1
4             |                 4                  |                   Loki              |            3
5             |                 6                  |                   Oscar             |            3

Logstash configuration:

input {
  jdbc {
    statement => "
	  select, p.age,, c_id, c.age c_age, c_name, gc_id, gc.age gc_age, gc_name
	  from parent p
	  left outer join child c on c.parent_id =
	  left outer join grandchild gc on gc.child_id ="

filter {
  mutate {
    rename => { "c_id" => "[children][id]"}
    rename => { "c_age" => "[children][age]"}
    rename => { "c_name" => "[children][name]"}
    rename => { "gc_id" => "[children][grandchildren][id]"}
    rename => { "gc_age" => "[children][grandchildren][age]"}
    rename => { "gc_name" => "[children][grandchildren][name]"}
  aggregate {
    task_id => "%{id}"
    code => "
  	  map['children'] ||= []
  	  map['children'] <<= event.get('children')
    push_previous_map_as_event => true
    timeout => 5
    timeout_tags => ["aggregate"]
  ruby {
    code => "
  	event.set('valutazioni.importi', event.get('valutazioni.importi').uniq)

output {
  elasticsearch {
  	index => "my_index"
  	hosts => [".."]
  	document_id => "%{id}"
  stdout { codec => dots }

What I GET (wrong) querying my_index with doc_id = 1:

  "_index" : "my_index",
  "_type" : "_doc",
  "_id" : "1",
  "_source" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "name" : "James",
    "age" : 58,
    "children" : [
        "id" : 1,
        "name" : "David",
        "age" : 39,
        "grandchildren" : [
            "id" : 1,
			"name" : "Matt",
			"age" : 7
        "id" : 1,
        "name" : "David",
        "age" : 39,
        "grandchildren" : [
            "id" : 2,
			"name" : "Zoe",
			"age" : 3
        "id" : 1,
        "name" : "David",
        "age" : 39,
        "grandchildren" : [
            "id" : 3,
			"name" : "Vittoria",
			"age" : 1
        "id" : 2,
        "name" : "Emma",
        "age" : 37,
        "grandchildren" : []

What I WANT:

  "_index" : "my_index",
  "_type" : "_doc",
  "_id" : "1",
  "_source" : {
    "id" : 1,
    "name" : "James",
    "age" : 58,
    "children" : [
        "id" : 1,
        "name" : "David",
        "age" : 39,
        "grandchildren" : [
            "id" : 1,
			"name" : "Matt",
			"age" : 7
            "id" : 2,
			"name" : "Zoe",
			"age" : 3
            "id" : 3,
			"name" : "Vittoria",
			"age" : 1
        "id" : 2,
        "name" : "Emma",
        "age" : 37,
        "grandchildren" : []

I am able to get my goal in Java with Spring-elasticsearch (therefore i know the mapping is correct), but I NEED to do it via Logstash!

Any suggestion is very appreciated, thanks.

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