Index name based on tags

trying to accomplish:

index: "filebeat-%{[beat.version]}-%{[tags]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"

my prospector looks similar to this:

- type: log
  enabled: true
     - /var/log/auth.log
  tags: auth
  exclude_files: ['\.gz$']
  fields_under_root: true

However i'm getting this when trying to start up filebeat:

2018-06-22T18:20:34.797Z	WARN	fmtstr/formatevents.go:398	Can not convert key '[auth]' value to string

On filebeat 6.2.2

Any thoughts? I'm truly stuck.

Hi @hobapolis,

tags is an array, and it cannot be used in variable substitution for the index name. You can add a custom field and use this field, something like this:

- type: log
  enabled: true
     - /var/log/auth.log
    index: auth
  exclude_files: ['\.gz$']

And then:

index: "filebeat-%{[beat.version]}-%{[fields.index]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"

Another option is to use indices instead of index, that allows to define more advanced rules for index selection, you'd have to replace your index with something like:

  - index: "filebeat-%{[beat.version]}-auth-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
      tags: "auth"

Thanks @jsoriano. I came to the realization that tags wasn't going to be a thing for me not long after I posted this question.

I did something very similar to your first suggestion. I ended up just creating a custom field called index_name.

Take care.

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