Ingest multiple json files under a folder

I am trying to make logstash ingest multiple json files under a folder. Each json file is multiline about 100 line.

I don't see any out put .
here is my config.

`input {
	path => "/data/nhs.json"
	start_position => "beginning"
	sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
codec =>json


stdout {
codec => rubydebug

A file input reads a file one line at a time. A json codec will only work if each line is a complete JSON object. If the JSON is spread across multiple lines you would need a multiline codec.

You say you want to ingest multiple files but your path option is not a wildcard, so it refers to a single file.

Hi, yes my mistake on the wildcard. I had it *.json before while running.
I will try multiline codec and update this thread.

this is the example of my one of the json file. Could you give me an example how my multiline codec should look like.

"codeBook": {
	"docDscr": {
		"citation": {
			"titlStmt": {
				"titl": "International Travel Survey: Canadians, 2016 [Canada]",
				"altTitl": "ITS 2016: Canadians"
			"holdings": {
				"_location": "Statistics Canada. Data Liberation Initiative",
				"_URI": ""
		"docSrc": {
			"titlStmt": {
				"titl": "ITS-2016-Canadians-E"
	"stdyDscr": {
		"citation": {
			"titlStmt": {
				"titl": "International Travel Survey: Canadians, 2016 [Canada]",
				"altTitl": "ITS 2016: Canadians"
		"stdyInfo": {
			"subject": {
				"keyword": [
					"Air transport",
					"Automobile travel",
					"Balance of payments",
					"Border crossings",
					"Country of origin",
					"Data collection",
					"Data quality",
					"Food expenditures",
					"Food purchased from restaurants",
					"Length of stay",
					"Modes of transport",
					"Nonresponse rate",
					"Place of residence",
					"Rail transport",
				"topcClas": [
					"International travel",
					"Tourism indicators",
					"Travel and tourism"

If you want to ingest the entire file as a single event then use a multiline codec that never matches and a timeout

codec => multiline { pattern => "^Spalanzani" negate => true what => previous auto_flush_interval => 1 }

If you have multiple objects which are pretty-printed, so that a line just containing } indicates the end of an object use

codec => multiline { pattern => "^}" negate => true what => next auto_flush_interval => 1 }

So here is my config, but i still dont see any output. Any mistake you see on this:

`input {
	path => "/data/*.json"
	start_position => "beginning"
	sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

codec => multiline { pattern => "^Spalanzani" negate => true what => previous auto_flush_interval => 1 }


filter {
json {
source => "[message]"
remove_field => ["[message]"]

stdout {
codec => rubydebug

Really? A stdin input?

sorry I don't understand. I was looking at this:

`input {

stdin {
codec => multiline {
pattern => "pattern, a regexp"
negate => "true" or "false"
what => "previous" or "next"

You are asking us to comment on your configuration, and the configuration you showed us was a stdin input with a path, sincedb_path, and start_position options. That would result in compilation errors at startup.

yes I am getting an error. logstash exited with code 0. Do I need to replace stdin with anything else. I had this config when I was ingesting a csv file.

I would suggest using a file input if you want to read multiple files.

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