I'm trying to test a machine learning classifier in elasticsearch, but I am having a hard time ingesting my data. I've tried using JQ to stream the data via Bulk API, so now I'm ready to try Logstash which may be far easier than writing code for this task. I need help with formatting as well because the data is in .jsonl format. For testing purposes, I'm using the Elastic Ember testing malware data and the version of my elastic cluster is 7.13. Below is a sample of the data:
{"sha256": "0abb4fda7d5b13801d63bee53e5e256be43e141faa077a6d149874242c3f02c2", "md5": "63956d6417f8f43357d9a8e79e52257e", "appeared": "2006-12", "label": 0, "avclass": "", "histogram": [45521, 13095, 12167, 12496, 12429, 11709, 11864, 12057, 12881, 11798, 11802, 11783, 12029, 12081, 11756, 12532, 11980, 11628, 11504, 11715, 11809, 12414, 11779, 11708, 11956, 11622, 11859, 11775, 11717, 11507, 11873, 11781, 12015, 11690, 11676, 11782, 11820, 11859, 12025, 11786, 11731, 11445, 11556, 11676, 12057, 11636, 11669, 11903, 12004, 11741, 11833, 12329, 11778, 11859, 11806, 11586, 11775, 11885, 11863, 12047, 11869, 12077, 11724, 12037, 13129, 11931, 12101, 12202, 11956, 12625, 11877, 11804, 11999, 11869, 11578, 11591, 11933, 12020, 11695, 11915, 12565, 11755, 11597, 12224, 11786, 11709, 12321, 12325, 11671, 11624, 11573, 11879, 11578, 11802, 12060, 11792, 11527, 12248, 11703, 11793, 12143, 12701, 12071, 11871, 12582, 12346, 12303, 11892, 12190, 12011, 11826, 12261, 12139, 11913, 11994, 12155, 13023, 13136, 11897, 12164, 12228, 11972, 11916, 11951, 12061, 12243, 12009, 12266, 12655, 12023, 11819, 12283, 11882, 12303, 11751, 11888, 11976, 12472, 11622, 13260, 11969, 12127, 11735, 12024, 11592, 11699, 11604, 11657, 11974, 11714, 11918, 11815, 11851, 11806, 11710, 11590, 11835, 11971, 11757, 11874, 11813, 11834, 11610, 11723, 11988, 11714, 11774, 12021, 11816, 11834, 11607, 11829, 11665, 11641, 11722, 11869, 11864, 11784, 11528, 11733, 11923, 11749, 11972, 11721, 11977, 11712, 11772, 11721, 11891, 11796, 11991, 12200, 12432, 11643, 11877, 12040, 11874, 11804, 11932, 12179, 11940, 11764, 11743, 11653, 11854, 11800, 12092, 12021, 11969, 11931, 11890, 11982, 11956, 11710, 11792, 12095, 11749, 11815, 11722, 11825, 11846, 11804, 11567, 11926, 11839, 11814, 11921, 11981, 11910, 11640, 11681, 12030, 12822, 12105, 12001, 12008, 12180, 11862, 11992, 11888, 12211, 12155, 11734, 11819, 12154, 11696, 12185, 11951, 12511, 12001, 11914, 11872, 12342, 12170, 12596, 22356], "byteentropy": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1898, 6, 6, 3, 1, 1, 11, 19, 32, 3, 2, 4, 7, 9, 15, 31, 1864, 11, 9, 7, 8, 15, 25, 12, 12, 8, 10, 6, 8, 12, 23, 18, 1774, 13, 12, 17, 26, 15, 51, 26, 33, 8, 10, 10, 13, 3, 8, 29, 1631, 13, 28, 19, 29, 37, 105, 53, 52, 16, 11, 6, 14, 7, 12, 15, 4564, 92, 129, 52, 121, 197, 180, 120, 196, 13, 7, 20, 39, 16, 36, 362, 8838, 197, 304, 225, 238, 327, 473, 284, 338, 21, 53, 80, 111, 36, 77, 686, 5752, 86, 226, 182, 290, 180, 965, 518, 208, 110, 180, 165, 197, 207, 217, 2805, 7344, 169, 324, 230, 860, 490, 2336, 1285, 501, 277, 259, 360, 902, 321, 566, 4256, 8104, 268, 489, 434, 1219, 633, 3454, 2183, 688, 619, 493, 607, 534, 383, 375, 6141, 7935, 297, 487, 394, 733, 455, 1048, 1313, 1035, 560, 485, 439, 564, 359, 462, 1866, 3005, 89, 238, 175, 372, 262, 590, 517, 519, 394, 226, 236, 295, 308, 307, 659, 17257, 2362, 1165, 2188, 4313, 3314, 2149, 4166, 5604, 1518, 1984, 1812, 3512, 2432, 3869, 7891, 14457, 3068, 2198, 2894, 5416, 4317, 2584, 4108, 6279, 1030, 1379, 1225, 2923, 1626, 3374, 6610, 370748, 370509, 370926, 373544, 370740, 370211, 372830, 375415, 371989, 372095, 371755, 373615, 372116, 373375, 373929, 375883], "strings": {"numstrings": 14573, "avlength": 5.972071639333013, "printabledist": [1046, 817, 877, 803, 738, 909, 831, 842, 871, 763, 796, 773, 821, 839, 959, 831, 877, 789, 824, 840, 863, 812, 887, 856, 787, 819, 849, 849, 833, 898, 852, 858, 751, 986, 859, 887, 935, 943, 904, 959, 827, 899, 772, 858, 875, 896, 879, 917, 916, 795, 823, 974, 891, 853, 910, 918, 822, 807, 825, 832, 801, 812, 826, 836, 811, 1157, 879, 957, 1111, 1611, 930, 935, 927, 1217, 867, 915, 1185, 1039, 1169, 1231, 956, 844, 1196, 1133, 1411, 1023, 850, 960, 965, 915, 853, 802, 836, 845, 804, 900], "printables": 87031, "entropy": 6.569897560341239, "paths": 3, "urls": 0, "registry": 0, "MZ": 51}, "general": {"size": 3101705, "vsize": 380928, "has_debug": 0, "exports": 0, "imports": 156, "has_relocations": 0, "has_resources": 1, "has_signature": 0, "has_tls": 0, "symbols": 0}, "header": {"coff": {"timestamp": 1124149349, "machine": "I386", "characteristics": ["CHARA_32BIT_MACHINE", "RELOCS_STRIPPED", "EXECUTABLE_IMAGE", "LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED", "LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED"]}, "optional": {"subsystem": "WINDOWS_GUI", "dll_characteristics": [], "magic": "PE32", "major_image_version": 0, "minor_image_version": 0, "major_linker_version": 7, "minor_linker_version": 10, "major_operating_system_version": 4, "minor_operating_system_version": 0, "major_subsystem_version": 4, "minor_subsystem_version": 0, "sizeof_code": 26624, "sizeof_headers": 1024, "sizeof_heap_commit": 4096}}, "section": {"entry": ".text", "sections": [{"name": ".text", "size": 26624, "entropy": 6.532239617101003, "vsize": 26134, "props": ["CNT_CODE", "MEM_EXECUTE", "MEM_READ"]}, {"name": ".rdata", "size": 6656, "entropy": 5.433081641309689, "vsize": 6216, "props": ["CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA", "MEM_READ"]}, {"name": 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