I am getting the above exception when I parsing log -


for cpuTime. Please suggest me a way.

Please could anyone suggest. Please help me in this.

A json filter has no problem parsing the JSON that you show. It would log that error if, for example, the cpuPerc field were


because JSON does not permit leading zeros on a numeric value. cpuTime is a string, not numeric, so it does not apply there.

You may be able to convert your events to valid JSON using a mutate filter.

okay, but the Invalid JSON Failure is given on cpuTime though it is already String and I check the JSON is valid.

Please suggest how I remove this exception of Logstash

I am unable to reproduce the problem. Perhaps upgrading to a current version would fix it.

My Conf file is -

input {
tcp {
port => 12345
codec =>json
filter {
json {
source => "message"
stdout { codec => json }
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "kumar-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

JSON to be parsed -

	"MessageType": "query",
	"ProcessInfo": null,
	"antivirusdetail": null,
	"arch": "10.0.17134",
	"basicResponse": "yes#1570165120032#Windows#Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise# Workstation#####All Devices#",
	"cpudetail": {
		"com.accelerite.radialive.common.messageresponse.avro.CPUInfo": {
			"ProcessDetailsList": [{
				"ProcessName": "",
				"cpuPerc": 100,
				"cpuTime": "5019:09",
				"memResident": 8388608,
				"memSize": 54525952,
				"pid": 0,
				"startTime": 1569920676000,
				"state": "Running",
				"user": ""
			}, {
				"ProcessName": "",
				"cpuPerc": 21,
				"cpuTime": "100:58",
				"memResident": 1962934272,
				"memSize": 197132288,
				"pid": 4,
				"startTime": 1569920676000,
				"state": "Running",
				"user": ""
			}, {
				"ProcessName": "",
				"cpuPerc": 0,
				"cpuTime": "00:07",
				"memResident": 15888023552,
				"memSize": 2671771648,
				"pid": 96,
				"startTime": 1569920670000,
				"state": "Running",
				"user": ""
			}, {
				"ProcessName": "c:/windows/system32/svchost.exe",
				"cpuPerc": 0,
				"cpuTime": "00:00",
				"memResident": 985661440,
				"memSize": 1090519040,
				"pid": 344,
				"startTime": 1569920693000,
				"state": "Running",
				"user": ""
			}, {
				"ProcessName": "C:/Windows/SystemApps/Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy/LockApp.exe",
				"cpuPerc": 0,
				"cpuTime": "00:04",
				"memResident": 32111591424,
				"memSize": 18744344576,
				"pid": 352,
				"startTime": 1569925596000,
				"state": "Running",
				"user": ""
			}, {
				"ProcessName": "",
				"cpuPerc": 0,
				"cpuTime": "00:00",
				"memResident": 255852544,
				"memSize": 515899392,
				"pid": 524,
				"startTime": 1569920676000,
				"state": "Running",
				"user": ""
			}, {
				"ProcessName": "C:/WINDOWS/system32/svchost.exe",
				"cpuPerc": 0,
				"cpuTime": "00:59",
				"memResident": 19310575616,
				"memSize": 15883829248,
				"pid": 608,
				"startTime": 1569920693000,
				"state": "Running",
				"user": ""

and the ERROR on console -

[2019-10-04T10:32:06,196][ERROR][logstash.codecs.json ][main] JSON parse error, original data now in message field {:error=>#<LogStash::Json::ParserError: Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: (String)"{"MessageType":"query","ProcessInfo":null,"antivirusdetail":null,"arch":"10.0.17134","basicResponse":"yes#1570165323292#Windows#Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise# Workstation#####All Devices#","cpudetail":{"com.accelerite.radialive.common.messageresponse.avro.CPUInfo":{"ProcessDetailsList":[{"ProcessName":"","cpuPerc":92,"cpuTime":"5024:43","memResident":8388608,"memSize":54525952,"pid":0,"startTime":1569920676000,"state":"Running","user":""},{"ProcessName":"","cpuPerc":17"[truncated 524 chars]; line: 1, column: 2049]>, :data=>"{"MessageType":"query","ProcessInfo":null,"antivirusdetail":null,"arch":"10.0.17134","basicResponse":"yes#1570165323292#Windows#Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise# Workstation#####All Devices#","cpudetail":{"com.accelerite.radialive.common.messageresponse.avro.CPUInfo":{"ProcessDetailsList":[{"ProcessName":"","cpuPerc":92,"cpuTime":"5024:43","memResident":8388608,"memSize":54525952,"pid":0,"startTime":1569920676000,"state":"Running","user":""},{"ProcessName":"","cpuPerc":17,"cpuTime":"101:17","memResident":1962934272,"memSize":197132288,"pid":4,"startTime":1569920676000,"state":"Running","user":""},{"ProcessName":"","cpuPerc":0,"cpuTime":"00:07","memResident":15908995072,"memSize":2646605824,"pid":96,"startTime":1569920670000,"state":"Running","user":""},{"ProcessName":"c:/windows/system32/svchost.exe","cpuPerc":0,"cpuTime":"00:00","memResident":981467136,"memSize":1090519040,"pid":344,"startTime":1569920693000,"state":"Running","user":""},{"ProcessName":"C:/Windows/SystemApps/Microsoft."} [2019-10-04T10:32:06,234][ERROR][logstash.codecs.json ][main] JSON parse error, original data now in message field {:error=>#<LogStash::Json::ParserError: Unrecognized token 'LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null') at [Source: (String)"LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy/LockApp.exe","cpuPerc":0,"cpuTime":"00:04","memResident":32111591424,"memSize":18744344576,"pid":352,"startTime":1569925596000,"state":"Running","user":""}


When I copy this JSON to file in desktop then parsing is working correctly. Not getting exactly what is happening

A tcp input accepts lines of text. My guess is that something is inserting a newline into your JSON in the middle of

"ProcessName": "C:/Windows/SystemApps/Microsoft.

I have check the JSON is coming in valid problem in my codec of Logstash.

I changed that codec from "json" to "json_lines" and parsing is working fine.

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