Invalid malformaed date

Im facing below error while processing log kindly help me to resolve the issue,


Failed parsing date from field {:field=>"iis_eventDate", :value=>"2017-03-12 02:01:43", :exception=>"Cannot parse \"2017-03-12 02:01:43\": Illegal instant due to time zone offset transition (America/Los_Angeles)", :config_parsers=>"YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", :config_locale=>"default=en_US", :level=>:warn}
NoMethodError: undefined method `>=' for nil:NilClass
    output_func at (eval):2918
   output_batch at /beep/envs/beep/software/logstash-2.3.0/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.3.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:297
           each at org/jruby/
         inject at org/jruby/
   output_batch at /beep/envs/beep/software/logstash-2.3.0/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.3.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:291
    worker_loop at /beep/envs/beep/software/logstash-2.3.0/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.3.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:236
  start_workers at /beep/envs/beep/software/logstash-2.3.0/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.3.0-java/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:205

2017-03-12 02:01:43 aaa POST xxx yyy 80 reynaj zzz Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/56.0.2924.87+Safari/537.36 200 0 0 942


    mutate {
        add_field => {
    	  "iis_eventDate" => "%{request_date} %{request_time}"
    date { 
          match => ["iis_eventDate", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ] 
    	  target => ["iis_eventDate"]     

I don't think you should be specifying the target in this case.


If i command target line also it replicate same error :frowning:

Do you need to use lowercase "y" for year? I don't see capital Y for year anywhere in the docs.

match => ["iis_eventDate", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]

Okay, Let me check with lowercase "y" and let you know but i have tell on thing previously it was working fine with same condition last 3 days only it not processing any logs.


When i try with lowercase "yyyy", it replicate the same error.

What about the following (are your time stamps zulu (UTC) time)?

"iis_eventDate" => "%{request_date}:%{request_time} Z"

 match => [ "iis_eventDate" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z"

Still pursuit same issue :frowning:

What does the mapping for your index show as the type for iis_eventDate?


Please find the below mapping
name : iis_eventDate
Type: date


Now im getting this error also,

Unknown error while looking up GeoIP data {:exception=>#<Errno::EBADF: Bad file descriptor - Bad file descriptor>, :field=>"request_remoteIP", :event=>2017-03-15T09:20:38.600Z xxx 2017-03-10 14:44:42 11111 POST /Parts/ConfirmationReport/GetPartOrderLineItemsConfirmation |11|22|33|44|55| 80 jonesj158 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+SLCC2;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+.NET+CLR+3.0.30729;+.NET4.0C;+.NET4.0E;+InfoPath.3) 200 0 0 184, :level=>:error}


2017-03-10 14:44:42 11111 POST /Parts/ConfirmationReport/GetPartOrderLineItemsConfirmation |11|22|33|44|55| 80 jonesj158 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+SLCC2;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729;+.NET+CLR+3.0.30729;+.NET4.0C;+.NET4.0E;+InfoPath.3) 200 0 0 184

you can find the event is diff compare with input. using csv filter to create fields

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