IP address in filebeat

Hi, I am using filebeat in the hosts. The filebeats will forward log files to elastic search server. In order to know where the logs come from the server side, I need filebeat to append IP address to the log before forwarding. Note that we have many hosts and thus want get the host ip address from system. Thanks!

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Which version of Beats are you using?

Is there any reason you can't use the existing beat.hostname field?

If you are using Logstash, another option is to use the IP that's in the metadata. See https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/250#issuecomment-315948079

Thanks a lot for the reply. I am using filebeat-6.2.4-amd64.

My concern is that many of our hosts are using the same hostname, like ubunt 14.04. In this way, I can't distinguish them. Thanks!

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