Is posible to have iptional field with regex as grok optionals fields?


i want to know if a could set a field as optional in regular expresions as i do with grok

for example:


Thank you!

Yes, you can use exactly that syntax to match zero or more %{DATA:Message} patterns. Note that DATA can match zero characters, so sometimes it will not consume anything.

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This pattern:


Will match:

  "WORD": [
  "NUMBER": [
  "BASE10NUM": [

or it will match

ABC 123 
  "WORD": [
  "NUMBER": [
  "BASE10NUM": [
1 Like

can i do it with texts ?

my log follows this format:

2021-12-07 09:59:33,940 INFO [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx][YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY] Parámetros enviados a eeeee:
	action: efdwfwf_ewfwef_ewf
	action2 : wefwefwe:_FWwefwe
	type : feAASDF
	log : logfile

and this parameter with the format name : value could not appear.

so im trying something like:

(action: %{USERNAME:Action})?%{DATA}(action2 : %{USERNAME:Action2})?%{DATA}(type: %{USERNAME:Type})?

how can i do that?

This looks like a multiline log format so be sure you configure your input to also handle multiline messages, however afterwards I got this pattern to work with the grokdebugger

%{SPACE}(action: %{USERNAME:Action})?%{SPACE}(action2 : %{NOTSPACE:Action2})?%{SPACE}(type : %{USERNAME:Type})?%{SPACE}(log : %{NOTSPACE:log})?
  "SPACE": [
  "Action": [
  "Action2": [
  "Type": [
  "log": [

that's what i assumed i would have to do but when i make it optional it disappears.

Real example:

2021-12-09 08:50:03,938 INFO [WebContainer : x] I.xxxxxDatosPersonales [] [09/12/2021 08:50:03][1YYYYYYYYY.XXXXXXDatosPersonales] Parámetros enviados a ZZZZZ:
    accion : ZZZZ
    accionProsa : null
    tipoServicio : YYYYYY
    log : Importass.XXXXXXXX

this grok works

(?m)%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:Fecha} %{LOGLEVEL:LogLevel} \[WebContainer : %{NUMBER:WebContainer}] %{DATA:Entidad} \[{NUMBER:AfphLogJava}]%{GREEDYDATA}accion : %{USERNAME:Accion}


  "Fecha": "2021-12-09 08:50:03,938",
  "WebContainer": "x",
  "AfphLogJava": "209",
  "Accion": "ZZZZ",
  "LogLevel": "INFO",
  "Entidad": "1YYYYYYYYY.XXXXXXDatosPersonales"

but if i put the grok filter like this:

(?m)%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:Fecha} %{LOGLEVEL:LogLevel} \[WebContainer : %{NUMBER:WebContainer}] %{DATA:Entidad} \[{NUMBER:AfphLogJava}]%{GREEDYDATA}(accion : %{USERNAME:Accion})?

the accion field dissapears:

  "Fecha": "2021-12-09 08:50:03,938",
  "WebContainer": "7",
  "AfphLogJava": "209",
  "LogLevel": "INFO",
  "Entidad": "I.AFPH03DatosPersonales"

why the optional field dissapears?

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