Is there a way to implement a keep last N docs per id in a specific index?

First, there are no "weird questions". It is an interesting usecase.

This can indeed be done with transforms. For this case you create a transform group_by customer id and collapse the purchases as list. I described an example in an advent calendar post, unfortunately german language. Let me take it from there, you can start with a scripted metric like this:

"all_purchases": {
  "scripted_metric": {
    "init_script": " = []",
    "map_script": " HashMap(params['_source']))",
    "combine_script": "return",
    "reduce_script": "def docs = []; for (s in states) {for (d in s) { docs.add(d);}}return docs"

This would create a list of all purchases:

"all_purchases" : [
    "order_id" : 42,
    "date" : "2019-12-01T10:00:00Z",
    "order_id" : 99,
    "date" : "2019-12-02T12:00:00Z",

To get the top-n 2 possibilities come to my mind: "at runtime" or "as post processing".

Post processing: Sort the list afterwards by order date and cut it at n. You can do this as part of the reduce script or you write the output of the transform into a pipeline and use a script processor.

At runtime: Instead of a list use a sorted map, a TreeMap and you map order_date to the order object. For insert you could only add to the tree map if it either not reached n or the first key - which is the "lowest" key - is lower than the key you are looking at. Afterwards you trim it to n. Memory-wise this is the most efficient way as this will not keep all orders in memory. Memory consumption might not be a problem for an e-commerce usecase but for IOT it could.

I hope I gave you an idea and would be happy if you share your result.