Is there any option to add a temporary tag / similar variable to logstash entry, not to insert into Elasticsearch?


I am using ELK GA 6. In my logstash, I am taking inputs from 3 kafka topics and I perform different filters and outputs based on the kafka topic. Below is a small snippet of how I am doing it now;

input {
		group_id => "group_1"
		topics => ["topic_1"]
		add_field => { "logtype" => "logtype_1" }
		group_id => "group_2"
		topics => ["topic_2"]
		add_field => { "logtype" => "logtype_2" }
		group_id => "group_3"
		topics => ["topic_3"]
		add_field => { "logtype" => "logtype_3" }

filter {
	if[logtype] == "logtype_1"{
		grok {
			# grok 1 logic
		mutate {
			# mutate 1 logic
	if[logtype] == "logtype_2"{
		grok {
			# grok 2 logic
		mutate {
			# mutate 2 logic
	if[logtype] == "logtype_3"{
		grok {
			# grok 3 logic
		mutate {
			# mutate 3 logic

	if[logtype] == "logtype_1"{
		elasticsearch {
			index => "myIndex1"		
	if[logtype] == "logtype_2"{
		elasticsearch {
			index => "myIndex2"		
	if[logtype] == "logtype_3"{
		elasticsearch {
			index => "myIndex3"		

This works fine, but will create an extra attribute logtype. I dont want that to be inserted into my Elasticsearch. Is there any way to do this?

Thank you.

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