Issue for Elastic Observability Engineer Lab 2.1 - Elastic Agent

elastic@ip-172-31-15-133:/opt/Elastic$ cd Agent/
-bash: cd: Agent/: Permission denied
elastic@ip-172-31-15-133:/opt/Elastic$ sudo -i

I tried it and it always asked for sudo password for elastic...

I think there's a restart button somewhere. It should recreate the VM if it was incorrectly created.
i don't think you need to hack around.

But may be someone from the team could help.

That's corret @dadoonet: there's no need to hack aroud.

@ganesh.pawar I have replaced your environment. Please follow lab instructions carefully, because sudo access is limited for installing and running the Elastic Agent only.


@dadoonet I also do not want to hack around for these kind of issues....but if basic command is not working for almost 2-3 weeks..what someone will do... I am on lab 2. after 3 weeks now :slight_smile:

@Andre_Murbach_Maidl thanks....I hope this time it will worjk as expected...and I will be able to move t next labs....Again I do not want to play around with lab setup....but it should work as intended.....

I have problems at this point too.

Installation was successfull, but no data will be send. The agent status shows, that there are communication problems.

elastic@ip-172-31-2-34:~/elastic-agent-8.8.2-linux-x86_64$ ./elastic-agent status
Error: failed to communicate with Elastic Agent daemon: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial unix /home/elastic/elastic-agent-8.8.2-linux-x86_64/data/tmp/elastic-agent-control.sock: connect: no such file or directory"
For help, please see our troubleshooting guide at Troubleshoot common problems | Fleet and Elastic Agent Guide [8.8] | Elastic
elastic@ip-172-31-2-34:~/elastic-agent-8.8.2-linux-x86_64$ could you please reset my environment?

Hi @AndreasR ,

I just replaced your lab environment.
