I have signed up today for the free trial of elasticsearch. I am mostly interested in using hosted Kibana with elastic search. I am attempting to import some of my companies production data from an haproxy configuration. Below is the .json output of the error.
I have successfully pushed the data using filebeat per the instructions.
It looks like the data is getting to elasticsearch and to Kibana successfully, but the data is failing to be processed. I assume there is something unexpected with the format of my haproxy logs, but I am not an expert with Grok, and I am struggling to get the data imported successfully.
Here is the error that I believe is the key: "Provided Grok expressions do not match field value"
I have attempted different Grok formats, but I can't get any of them to work using the Grok debugger.
Any thoughts on how to further isolate this issue is greatly appreciated as I have to get this up and running for a demo for the middle of next week.
Tony Alvino
{ "_index": "filebeat-6.5.4-2019.01.17", "_type": "doc", "_id": "g5fBXWgBxRkBRBUJmqI1", "_version": 1, "_score": null, "_source": { "offset": 7102335, "prospector": { "type": "log" }, "source": "/home/deepcompute/haproxy/haproxy.04-01-2019.log", "message": "Jan 4 10:51:03 hz-prestaging-haproxy haproxy[4050]: [04/Jan/2019:10:51:03.023] staging staging/<NOSRV> 0/-1/-1/-1/0 302 142 - - LR-- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /login HTTP/1.1"", "fileset": { "module": "haproxy", "name": "log" }, "error": { "message": "Provided Grok expressions do not match field value: [Jan 4 10:51:03 hz-prestaging-haproxy haproxy[4050]: [04/Jan/2019:10:51:03.023] staging staging/<NOSRV> 0/-1/-1/-1/0 302 142 - - LR-- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 \"GET /login HTTP/1.1\"]" }, "input": { "type": "log" }, "@timestamp": "2019-01-17T21:39:50.114Z", "beat": { "hostname": "tony-servers.nferx.com", "name": "tony-servers.nferx.com", "version": "6.5.4" }, "host": { "os": { "codename": "xenial", "family": "debian", "version": "16.04.5 LTS (Xenial Xerus)", "platform": "ubuntu" }, "containerized": false, "name": "tony-servers.nferx.com", "id": "51b7f45441b340d2ba60cbf34e685e5c", "architecture": "x86_64" } }, "fields": { "@timestamp": [ "2019-01-17T21:39:50.114Z" ] }, "sort": [ 1547761190114 ] }