I am having an issue with the kafka module not appear to process the lines properly. I have enabled debugging of filebeat and see the following:
2018-03-16T18:36:54Z DBG [publish] Publish event: { "@timestamp": "2018-03-16T18:36:54.052Z", "@metadata": { "beat": "filebeat", "type": "doc", "version": "6.1.2", "pipeline": "filebeat-6.1.2-kafka-log-pipeline" }, "source": "/var/log/kafka/controller.log", "offset": 84336, "message": "[2018-03-16 18:36:45,144] DEBUG [Controller 2]: topics not in preferred replica Map() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)", "fileset": { "name": "log", "module": "kafka" }, "prospector": { "type": "log" }, "beat": { "name": "eventing2030-ct-kafka-2", "hostname": "eventing2030-ct-kafka-2", "version": "6.1.2" } }
The line appears to match what the module shows so I'm not sure why its not being processed. The syslog module on the other hand is working fine.
Any assistance would be appreciated.