Java Agent reports Non-business queries for DB

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wow, thank you for replying. The question is Why does this query appear? I hope only business logic queries.

Can you clarify this please, it's not really clear what you mean.

Can you see the picture that I upload? The fact that I only have one sql that is 'SELECT service_name serviceName, group_name groupName, wave_key waveKey, wave_value waveValue
FROM t_prism_service_alert
WHERE service_name IN(?)' . But the agent report the sql in the picture, I do not know the sql in the picture where is from, because I have not this sql.

[DEBUG][2018-12-26T11:00:23.551+0800][org.mybatis.spring.transaction.SpringManagedTransaction:87] JDBC Connection [ProxyConnection[PooledConnection[com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@270c1b57]]] will not be managed by Spring

[DEBUG][2018-12-26T11:00:23.555+0800][com.didi.ep.prism.mapper.api.ApiNameMapper.queryServiceMappingGroup:159] ==> Preparing: SELECT service_name serviceName, group_name groupName, wave_key waveKey, wave_value waveValue FROM t_prism_service_alert WHERE service_name IN ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )

[DEBUG][2018-12-26T11:00:23.599+0800][com.didi.ep.prism.mapper.api.ApiNameMapper.queryServiceMappingGroup:159] ==> Parameters: prism_prism_scheduler_prod(String), prism_prism_linkchecker_prod(String), prism_prism_servicestable_prod(String), prism_prism_detectlive_prod(String), prism_prism_service_prod(String)

[DEBUG][2018-12-26T11:00:23.667+0800][com.didi.ep.prism.mapper.api.ApiNameMapper.queryServiceMappingGroup:159] <== Total: 0

[DEBUG][2018-12-26T11:00:23.668+0800][org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionUtils:191] Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@78be929b]

[DEBUG][2018-12-26T11:00:23.669+0800][org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils:327] Returning JDBC Connection to DataSource

Above is the log, there is no the sql that the agent report, I have no idea how to do, please help me, thank you

I've found the reason. The mysql-connector-java is will to load server properties when it connects or re-connect the mysql server. Load server properties is to send the sql that is in the picture.

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